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   It has now been a while since we beat Isagi's team and stole Bachira from them. Bachira and Itoshi have been in the training field and I was in the room with Aryu.

   "Hey Aryu, I am going togo to the training field with the others." I jumped out of my bed and headed to the door. Aryu just gave me a little nod. I walked through the hall ways and stopped at the door where the field was. I walked in an saw Bachira fall to the ground after attempting to pass Itoshi.

   "Are you finally getting serious?" Bachira asked while getting up.

   "Shut it. Your moves are too tepid for you to taunt me." Itoshi snapped at him.

   "Calm down, Itoshi. Why so mad?" I asked in a mocking way.

   "(Y/N)!~" Bachira ran over to me engulfing me in a hug.

   "Bachira let go! You stink!" I tired to get Bachira off me.

   "Awww (Y/N)~ If I go take a shower will you let me hug you?" he asked.

   "Yea yea, sure." I said waving him off. He ran to the door leading out side and it closed right behind him.

   "What do you want?" Itoshi asked me, playing with the ball under his foot.

   "I wanna train with you." I walked over to him.

   "You want to be humiliated like your friend earlier? Be my guest then." Itoshi stood up straight, with a non-amused face. He kicked the ball to me and I caught it under my foot. I walked a little farther away from him and turned back to face him.

   "So your going to stay start or do I go whenever." I asked Itoshi.

   "God you are annoying. Just hurry up." Itoshi shifted impatiently in his spot.

   "Ok ok my bad." I started dribbling the ball toward Itoshi.

   'Ok so he probably can read my moves accurately and very well by how the way he was playing with Isagi with the last match.'

Itoshi POV

   I saw as she made me way to me. She dribbled the ball under her feet.

   ' Her dribbling is not similar to that yellow highlights kid. Though it is easy to tell her movements'

   I slowly made my way to her. Her feet moving in a way that anyone can tell what is her next move. She then did something I didn't expect from her. Normally when dribbling, the ball goes back and forth from your left and right foot. Though I didn't expect her to kick the ball farther from where her foot was just to get the ball behind me.

   'Huh, guess she was a good pick for the team.'

   I instantly placed my foot behind me which allowed me to get the ball. I turned back to her but there was something...unsettling. She had an aura of poison, it was intoxicating. Her face had a smirk on and her pupils were dilated.

   "You are also so predictable." She muttered. The (H/C) curly haired girl, had took the chance since I was distracted, to kick the ball from under my foot. She kicked the ball and ran with it, catching me still off guard.

   'What the hell just happened' I thought, while she kicked the ball to the goal, scoring. She was breathing heavily while her hands were on her knees.

   "Wow...your fun to train with, Itoshi." I instantly cringed at the mention of my last name.

   "Just call me Rin, you waste of space." I told her.

   "Calm down no need to get so pressed. Anyways, I'm going to go to the washroom so I can go get something to eat then go to sleep. See you in the room." With that she walked off and the door closed right behind her.

   'Huh..can't believe I am going to say this but...she does have potential'


   I had walked out of the washroom in fresh PJs and headed to the dinning area.(?) I just got some white rice with a natto, and to drink I got a water.

   As I was close to finishing eating, I heard the door to the room open. I turned and saw Bachira.

  "(Y/N)~ I thought you were instantly going to the room once you finished doing whatever you were doing with Rin." Bachira ran over to me and plowed down in the  chair right in front of me.

   "Yea I was, but I got hungry." I responded. I had finished eating and grabbed my tray to throw it out. I stood up and walked to the trash, Bachira right behind me.

   "Hey (Y/N), you think I can train with you one of these days?" Bachira asked while making our way to the door to head to our shared room.

   "Yea sure. I wouldn't mind." I turned my head to look at him.

   "Ok great!"

   We had made it to our room and Aryu was already laying in bed, probably sleeping. I stepped to my corner of the room and got into bed.

   "Ok, good night." I said in a hushed tone.

   "Yea good night, to you too, (Y/N)." Bachira was the only one to respond. With that I drifted off to a soundless slumber.


SOOOOO sorry that I didn't update for like almost a week I think. School literally has me on a choke hold since it is the end of the year. Kinda hate it, but it's whatever. Hope you guys like this little filler chapter, I just wanted to get something out for you guys! 😭 I also almost got in trouble in school n if i did i probably would have gotten my phone taken away. But that's about it... Don't forget to vote, please🤍

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