A New Life

75 3 2

Trigger warnings : slave auction, injuries, conditioning, objectification, mentions of past punishments.

Seungcheol sighed, gaze sharp as he stared at the scene in front of him. They had received an invitation for a slave auction. At first he didn't want to go, especially if it was for seeing slaves, people whose freedom had been torn to pieces, but his Instinct told him the opposite. And his Instinct was rarely wrong.

And when Wonwoo and Mingyu had found out he was going to go to such a place, they decided to follow after failed attempts to stop him. Now here they were, him, Wonwoo and Mingyu looking at each slaves who were introduced on the scene. For sure, it wasn't the best idea, boredom seeping from his slump form on the seat. And plus, Mingyu and Wonwoo were flirting like crazy and he felt left alone.

"We will now introduce the last one !"

Seungcheol looked back at the scene, attention drawn back to the scene. Something stirred into his heart, weirdly beating faster than usual. Something was going to happen. Something that would change his life. He swallowed thickly when he saw someone was walking with an eye mask on. The Host pushed the slave who fell on his knees, he took off the eye mask, revealing him at everyone.

Seungcheol's eyes widened while his heart dropped its beating.

"A powerless human ! Hansol Vernon Chwe !"

He parted his lips.

He's... beautiful.

"19 Year old, he's half Korean, half American !"

He tried to listen to the information, in vain, gaze unable to tear from the slave. Hansol, as he was called, had a pretty face, he couldn't lie. His black hair falling so gracefully on his face, jaw sharp, his brown eyes, and thin pink lips. He was a bit surprised to find a black eye when they always made sure to make any slave pretty like dolls to sell them easier. His clothes looked too big on him, clearly hiding a too skinny body, a dirty white shirt and short bottom, bare feet.

"So ! We'll begin at 4 100 000 Won !"

Some people began to give their prices, increasing quickly with every bid. Seungcheol could feel the tension rising dangerously high, something screaming from his mind and he couldn't help the cocky smirk taking his face as he stood up.

"20 300 800 Won !"

Everyone went silent. Mingyu and Wonwoo's eyes widened, their jaws falling, Seungcheol met the slave's eyes who was surprised too.

"Wow ! 20 300 800 Won ! Do I hear any higher ?!"

Nobody spoke, too shocked. Seungcheol was still looking in the slave's eyes, a big smile on his face. He didn't know why he wanted to buy him so much, but he had to.

"Nobody?! Going, going... gone ! Congratulations Mister ! Now that we finished ! For people who bought slaves, you can go behind, I'll show you ! For the others you will maybe find what you want next time ! Thank you everyone !"

Seungcheol saw a man taking the slave- Hansol, by his arm behind. He was going to follow them when Mingyu and Wonwoo stopped him. Mingyu was the first one to talk, "What the hell ?! Why did you buy him ?!"

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, despite understanding what they both meant, "Because I wanted him," he preferred keeping to himself about his Instinct, trying to find a way to the back only to have Wonwoo stopping in front of him.

"Do you know how much money it was ?!"

Seungcheol sighed, "And ? It's mine not yours, can you let me go now ?"

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