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Trigger Warnings : mention of a character's death, objectification, flashback of bullying and hatred, self-blame, anxiety, implied p*dophilia, self-degrading, self-harm, injury, blood, feral reaction to blood, headache, fainting.

Seungcheol and his partners walked to the second floor fast enough, when they found their Boss hovering someone typing on their computer.

Their Boss gestured at them to come, "Come, we've got something."

The three men walked to them, looking at the screen. "What is it ?" Soonyoung asked as he narrowed his eyes.

The policeman sitting in front of the computer pointed to a specific place on the screen, "We've noticed something here," and as he played the video recording, Seungcheol frowned when an old lady was suddenly shoved out of the way by nothing before another guy was shoved away, all the way up on the street.

"It's him," Jihoon spoke, hastily sitting next to the policeman, using the non used computer, "when was it ?"

"Today at one in the afternoon," the policeman replied.

Seungcheol's eyes widened comically, "We're lucky then," he watched back the video, "and he looked in a rush," he sat at the other side of the policeman on an empty place to look through videos, "where was it ?"

"At Jamsil-Dong."

"I give up," Soonyoung slumped tiredly on the chair, after losing sight of Chae for the tenth time. He looked at the time and stretched his back, "it's past midnight."

Seungcheol glanced at the time in surprise, too engrossed in catching the invisible murderer, "We should stop for today," he didn't notice but almost everyone had gone, except a few policemen.

Taking out his phone, he grimaced when he noticed having missed calls and texts. He quickly sent a text explaining he'd come at midnight before turning off the computer.

Jihoon groaned tiredly, doing the same before standing up and cracking his back letting out a satisfied sigh, "Let's get going then."

Exiting the building, Seungcheol exhaled a breath, watching the fog leaving his lips.

"I'll go then, bye," Soonyoung told them with a grin, earning back goodbyes and using his power to easily disappear with a gust of wind.

Seungcheol and Jihoon walked in the snow, crushed beneath their feet and reaching the car as the oldest unlocked it.

The younger hummed when the older turned on the motor, the car starting to warm up and Seungcheol pushed on the accelerator as they drove away from their work. "So, you and Hansol ?" He asked nonchalantly, looking through the window at the almost empty streets.

Seungcheol glanced at him with suspicious eyes, "It's... alright ? Why are you asking ?" He turned around a corner.

"You do know we're not policemen for nothing ? We're not stupid."

Seungcheol sighed tiredly, "Not you too, Wonwoo keeps... saying stuff too." It seemed to always be easy for his friends to read him, and he didn't really like that.

"You're not really good at hiding," Jihoon deadpanned as he looked at him, earning a sulky look from the oldest. His eyes softened, nostalgia glinting in his gaze, "It's just... the way you are around him," he trailed before staring back at Seungcheol, "you look like the past Seungcheol."

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