Walking Through The City

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Trigger Warnings : flashback of murder and implying r*pe, crying, conditioning, brain-washing, self-deprecation, objectification, mentions of "prostitution", possessiveness, branding, headache, punishment.

Seungcheol woke up with the scent of cherry blossoms. Blinking into consciousness, his nose was pressed on top of someone's head, buried into the scent. He had almost forgotten he was sleeping with Hansol, letting out a sigh and squeezing the younger's hips- wait what ? He jerked his hand away in panic, much more awake now that his heart threatened to break out of his chest.

He stared for a few seconds in complete silence, before he sighed in relief, hand on his poor heart when Hansol simply shifted in his sleep.

Looking at the boy, he faltered a bit at the memories that wouldn't leave him alone, everytime he just stared at the man, scarred and brainwashed-

"I love you and your sister-"

He shot.

He's crying pathetically staring at his lifeless mother he just killed when a louder sob came from the wardrobe. The one closer, the body controller, opened the door wide to find Sofia curled up, eyes puffy as she cried harder when he gripped her by her hair, throwing her against the floor.

Hansol gripped harder the gun, eyebrows frowned, pointing it to the man and not hesitating at shooting anymore, successfully touching the man's leg who groaned in pain, cursing like a madman.

"Run away Sofia-" The other one quickly pounced on Hansol, hand gripping hard his jaw as he slammed the back of his head against the floor.

He could hear her cries fading away with her steps while trying desperately to hit the wavy-haired man but finishing by having his wrist gripped, gun falling down, "It's going to be fun," he whispered staring in his angry eyes, shoving his thumb into his mouth, pressing against his tongue and Hansol screamed as he harshly bit on his finger hard enough to taste blood.

But the man simply smirked, "Taming you will be fun."

The short-haired man groaned, "For fuck's sake you want that fucker ?" limping towards him with a sigh, "and what do we do for the girl ?"

The man shrugged his shoulders, "Let her go, it's not like she'll survive."

Hansol was desperately chewing on his finger, hoping it would come off, only for him to take a sharp breath when one hand wrapped around his neck without a second cutting his air pipes too suddenly. Panicking, he opened his mouth, kicking and struggling to be freed of his grip, face turning hot and tears rolling on his cheeks earning only a cold and twisted look from the man. Saliva started to drip from the corner of his lips and his eyes rolled back when the lack of oxygen was too much, passing out.


Hansol's head was pounding when he woke up. He sat up abruptly, coughing as his hands found his throat, eyes wet with unshed tears before noticing the handcuffs around his wrists.

Standing up on wobbly legs, he tried to be careful, the place too dark for him to see anything. Flinching when he found the wall, he followed it until his hands touched a tiny plastic square with a sort of switch, quickly pulling it down and having the light turned on, forcing him to squint in his eyes with the sudden brightness blinding him.

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