- Dont lose your mind -

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Ashley and Lill tried soothing the crying child. At this point, everyone forgot about their breakfast. They were concerned about their team member, and the child who was probably scared. Fiore fell to her knees, now fully sobbing. Ashley never liked the demon child, but it was the least she could do. The poor kid was probably traumatized from her father figure going crazy.

"Fiore.. It's going to be okay.." Ashely tried comforting the little girl. "Loud.." Fiore mumbled. She was right. A few people were blaming Lill for being the killer. Others were worried about Ellie. Ashley nodded and picked up Fiore. The farmer took her to a cabin, holding her until she fell asleep. With a sigh of relief, Ashley stared at the sleeping child. Fiore looked peaceful. That brought a small smile to Ashley's face.

Meanwhile, Gabby was watching over Ellie. Gabby felt sick to the bone. "Ellie.. baby.." Gabby whispered, running her fingers through Ellies soft, ginger hair. "Are you feeling any better?" Worried flooded Gabbys usual happy and playful tone. Ellie nodded wearily. Gabby just sighed. "It's going to be okay, baby.. I promise." Ellie was a limp sack of bones and flesh that was sprawled out on a broken bunk bed.

Over at the mess hall, Dan and Alec were discussing comics, while a few others were worried, and a few were enjoying themselves. "You seem to be doing better, hm?" Dan smiled playfully. "Just a bit," Alec responded with a chuckle. Drew sat down next to Dan. He took out his notebook and wrote: "Hi guys!" Dan and Alec smiled. "Hello, Drew!" Alec replied. "I'm a bit worried.." His notebook said. Drew frowned. "It's okay.. I'll protect you!" Dan said cheerfully, placing his hands on his hips, pretending to be a superhero. "You guys act like children," Alec laughed.

Throughout the day, it was pretty peaceful. Besides the constant worry about the killer striking.. that's too bad. They might just strike after all.. or give you a few days off.. we would never know..

Though.. he already did strike. Poor old mushroomed Ellie.. she won't die.. tonight.

The masked killer laughed evilly in their small hiding space.

Tom, Jake, Will, Grett, and Miriam were looking for fruit. Alec, Dan, and Drew were discussing comics in the mess hall. Ashley, Fiore, Gabby, and Ellie were all resting in the cabin. Ellies group also had Lill. Lill mainly felt bad for what happened to Ellie.

Fiore slowly opened her eyes, glancing at Ashely. "I-is Alec okay..?" Fiore asked. Ashelys heart hurt. To see a seven year old scared of losing a father figure. "He's in the mess hall with Drew and Dan. Everyone split up into groups for.. safely." Ashley soft explained. Fiore nodded in response.

The sun began to set. The campers gathered around the picnic table and began eating. They finished pretty fast, besides Ellie obviously. Then, they broke off into their cabins.

Little do they know.. they are in for a rough morning..

Ellie woke up.. particularly early. 2AM, to be exact. She grabbed a pocket knife and left to the bathroom. Suddenly, she felt the urge to throw up. In a panic, she ran to a nearby bush and threw up.

"Ellie..~" A voice repeated. Over.. and over again. "Gabby..? Is that you..?" Ellies heart began beating. This can't be the end.. right?

In one swift move, the killer pounced on Ellie. Ellies screams got muffled. She was fighting for her life. It was most definitely the end. "Just tell Gabby I love her..! Please..!" Ellie pleaded. The killer took a knife to her throat, cutting it open. They pinned her vocal cords up, like how you would preserve a bug. The killer broke her leg and left her there, her veins and vocal cords pinned to the dirt with nails.

Fiore woke up next. She didn't feel safe.. "Ashley..?" She nudged Ashley awake. "Hm..? Fiore, what is it..?" the girl mumbled. "I.. I don't feel good." Fiore hated sounded weak. "Cmon.. just go back to sleep, darling. " Ashley tried comforting her. Fiore nodded in response. A few hours later, Fiore was still awake. I guess she just had to wait until sunrise..

Sunrise came. They separated into their groups and left. Fiore and Gabby went to go see if there were any animals, and the other groups did their thing.

Gabby was worried sick about Ellie. Fiore felt awful, and her gut feeling still remained. Something wasn't right.

Gabby and Fiore walked, Gabby went on small rants about something, and Fiore smiled and listened. Until.. Fiore saw a small trail of blood. Her eyes went wide. No words could be formed. She tugged on Gabbys sleeve and pointed to the trail. "What..? Let's.. follow i-it.." Gabby whispered softly. Fiore followed behind her, slowly. Then, they see the scene. Blood everywhere, Ellie pinned to the ground like a spider. "Baby.." Gabby was backing away in shock. "I will get revenge on whoever did this.. I promise..!" Gabby said while crying. Fiore watched the entire scene play out. Her eyes were wide, and tears rolled down her now pale face. Gabby took Fiores hand and walked back to camp. Except this time, it was quiet. Tears were shed, and Gabby was mumbling about how she was going to get revenge on this person.

When they arrived back at camp, everyone met up. Gabby explained what had happened while crying, of course. Fiore just cried. All she could picture was Ellies spider like figure.

"Lill. I know it was you."

A/N: So how do we feel about this chapter:3 anyways lots of credits go to Milkalovesstories2 because this was inspired by them!! You should read their dc books. They're awesome sauce

WC: 982

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