- Watch your back. -

28 2 2

It was late. 4AM, if you will. The only sounds that could be heard were birds and other small animals. Though.. you could hear the cries of a smaller kid. Fiore. Fiore had seen multiple deaths and people losing their minds over their loved ones. Ashley was losing sleep over Lill. Alec still isn't himself. Gabby would point fingers at Lill.. which they ended up dead. She witnessed Nick hanging and Ellie pinned by her own vocal chords. She didn't only have scars on the outside, but now she had scars inside and out. She was mentally drained. She was 7. 7 and dealing with the thought of death. Until a tall figure walked in.

Fiore flinched. She looked up, but the figure was blurry. "Please don't kill me!" She pleaded. "Fiore.. shh.. it's Alec.." The librarian mumbled. Alec took the crying child in his lap, rocking her back and forth. "Why were you outside.. alone?" He asked, picking her up and taking her back into the cabins with the others.

"I didn't wanna wake anyone.." She whispered softly.

"It's okay.. your safe.." Alec slowly rocked her back and forth. Fiore ended up falling asleep.

Morning came, people separated out into groups, and it was overall peaceful. Fiore was.. pretty upset since she didn't get in a group with Alec. She wanted to.. thank him. Sad.

She brushed it off.. though she trailed behind her group. No one really liked her beside Alec, Grett.. maybe Ashley...? She wasn't sure.

She wandered off, finding a small lake. Fiore put her feet into the water, feeling the cool sensation. The small girl loved water, she couldn't swim.. but she enjoyed being there.

She was humming to herself.. when something pulled her in. Fiores screams emerged from the small lake, fiore grabbing on the dock for dear life.

"Stop screaming, and I'll let you go!" The masked person said. Fiore shut her mouth, crying. Suddenly.. everything was quiet. There were no chirps. All Fiore could hear was her own heavy breath.

Someone was out to get her.. and it wasn't good. She got away from the lake with a sprained ankle.. well, she didn't know it was sprained, but it hurt to walk on. She returned to her group.

Fiore tugged on Tom's sleeve. She was scared.. so she couldn't form many words. She just cried and pointed to her ankle.

"It has a bruised handmark.. what happened?" Tom seemed confused. "Masked person.." She mumbled. Tom nodded and picked her up, taking her to the medical tent.

As nightfall came, her ankle was better. It just had a small wrap on it, and she had to limp. It hurt. She couldn't lie. Fiore walked to Alec.

"Thank you, Alec.. for last night.." Fiore thanked him. Alec nodded as a small smile tugged at his lips.

A/N - FIORE LORE!! sorry for basing this chapter all on fiore and leaving some characters out erm..

WC: 500

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