- Don't look at me!? -

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"I know it was you, Lill."

Everyone turned around and looked at Gabby, who was giving Lill a dead stare. (No pun intended)

"What? It wasn't me! Why would I kill Nick and Ellie?" Lill said, trying to remain calm.

"You dislike Nick, and you HATE me, so you probably killed Ellie to get some sort of 'revenge!'" Gabby screamed, tears streaming down her face.

"Guys! Just shut up! Lill would never do such a thing! Gabby, I know you're angry, but you can't point fingers!" Ashley yelled, stepping in between the two.

Gabby took some huffed breaths as she walked off to an empty cabin, presumably to calm herself. Tom followed her.

"Gabby.. you alright?" Tom asked. "No.." Gabby cried. "I miss her.. a lot, " Gabby responded.

"It's going to be okay.." Tom tried comforting her. Did he believe everything was going to be okay? No! There's a killer on this damn island for crying out loud! But Tom couldn't say that. It would just bring more distress to the girl. Tom held Gabby as she cried.

Days passed. Alec and Gabby soon got better. They weren't their normal self, but they were much happier since the uh.. incident.

A week passed. The killer hadn't striked.. weird. This brought some concern to Miriam and Will. Mainly Will, but he was always panicking about how he's going to die.

Gabby was lying down one day. She hugged a small pillow that smelled like Ellie, which brought her comfort. "If the killer doesn't strike.. I will." Gabby whispered, hugging the pillow once more before getting up.

Nightfall arrived. Everyone fell asleep peacefully since the killer hadn't striked in a week.

Gabby waited until around 2AM. She sprayed immense sleeping gas around Lill, making sure she wouldn't wake up and scream. Gabby took a small knife and stabbed Lill 12 times.

Gabby then picked up Lills body and threw her in a nearby lake. She rinsed off her hands and went back to bed.

The killer wouldn't let this slide. Killing was their job. They took Gabby by her ankles. Gabby screamed at the top of her lungs, apologizing. The killer wouldn't take any more of her nonsense. The killer threw her on the ground and cut open Gabby, like you would to perform a high-tech surgery. But instead of fixing her.. she got dissected.. frog dissection, anyone?

Will was the first to wake up. Where was Lill.. where was Gabby..? "Guys! Lill and Gabby are gone!"

Everyone started searching for their body's. An hour passed. Then two hours. Then 3. Everyone was exhausted and tired.

"I don't think they are alive.." Alec said quietly.

They were never found.

A/N - OKAY I WAS GOING TO ADD MORE TO THIS BUT MY BUS JUST PULLED UP AT SCHOOL SO THIS WAS HEAVILY RUSHED.. ERM.. anyways did you guys like how Gabby and Ellies death was related to bugs? :3

WC: 487

- Camp Tipiscaw - (it's not what you think..)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt