♡ Soha Rizaq

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A place with nothing except stunning scenery. Her nose is being blessed with a revitalizing scent. Female flowers adore buzzing insects, whereas male flowers chastise them. The trees blushed as they thought back to the childhood glances of their offspring. Birds urged the leaves to one day swim farther into the clouds when the wind created a cyclone to demonstrate that they could swim in the air without wings. 

A dash breeze. Jaw-dropping liz eyes slowly opened and sent a lovely glance as far as her vision would allow. Her luscious lips made a small, pleasant, and endearing grin. The young lady's lips had given the wind such a beating that it decided to clean her softly and kiss her with all the love he had. 

She tugged her hair behind her ear and secured it with a pin while the wind wasn't letting her hair be hidden. She spoke wind's mind, 

"I know you wanna play, My Dear. But-" 

Everything she had ever admired was gone in a split second. She was violently jolted before she could notice and react to what had triggered it. The birds called out for her to assist them, and she heard their yelps. Trees were sobbing and pleading her to save their young one's. She cried out in shock at the amazing bees' partial demise and the sparkling, lovely blossoms' demise. 

Her eyes were simply shaking there, letting them pass away. Not because she was powerless, but rather because she was caught in an unknowing trap. Her heart shattered into a million little pieces as everything around her turned to ash all at once. 

She merely fell to her knees, combed herself down with force and her head bowed in nostalgia for not being able to retrieve her feathered friends, the tiny babies of her beloved trees, and the little flowers and bees. She gave her tears in the service of forgiveness with little, silent sniffs. 

"I…I'm sorry, my dears…"

A rough touch and Her hands were tied behind her. She acknowledged it with that face of cream she applied called 'Revenge'. Those gloomy eyes of hers got the dark shadow of her bangs over her eyes which gave an unpleasant vibe. 

"Isn't that enough that you have vanished the beauty of this area?" She ironically,

"I was dispatched here to kill you but it disbanded the area, Soha."

A guy wearing a black outfit, fitted in his shape, covered wholly carried a hazardous aura around him and had an unstoppable ability to encounter any auspicious energy of a specialized curse, such curses which are invisible in the specific chosen person and can be only seen when it comes in contact with the curse slayers or any other curse like it. He has a strong sense of putting up with the smell of energies around his area. Which makes him stand out from all those prosaic people who live in it. 

His black caliginous eyes passed over her head when she was in depression. He had no emotions on his face, as blank as a brain in exam halls. 

"I need to suck out a…Curse." He said. Soha's eyes suddenly raised in hunger– a hunger to blow off the guy's body into pieces so that she could feed those body parts to her dead friends. 

"Ha-haha! Are you kidding me?" She laughed out creepy.

Soha stood with the struggle on her legs as her hands were latched. With a swift turn to the guy, she smiled creepily

"Ah! Muhammad Imran! Hello." She placed it in robotic voice.

Muhammad gave no emotions when he acknowledged that Soha was in the grip of 'Lethal Curse'. A kinda curse that makes one's body unconscious and rules on the populace in the name of 'Calamity'. This curse needs people's end to survive in one's body. But soon he owned up to her body and wasn't wholly occupied by 'Lethal Curse'. 

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