Chapter 6

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The next Day

Charlie says excitedly "Good morning, Dad! Alastor! I've planned a surprise for you both. Well, it's not really a suprise anymore since you know it already but anyways!"

Lucifer yawns "A surprise? What is it, Charlie?"

Alastor answers sarcastically "Oh, joy. I can't wait to hear this."

Then the princess claps her hands "I've booked a week-long vacation for you two! I thought it would be a great opportunity for you to bond and get along as you know. And the time has come now for you both to go on this Vacation"

The Ruler of Hell raises an eyebrow "Bond? With him?"

Alastor just scoffs "Bonding with the Boss of Darkness? I'd rather spend a week in a pit of fire."

Charlie pouts  "Please, just give it a try. I've booked a lovely hotel for you both."

Lucifer sighs "Fine, let's get this over with."

Alastor smirks at the Princess "I'll humor you, Charlie. But don't expect any miracles."

Charlie smiles to them both "Thank you! I know you'll have a great time together."


At the hotel:

Lucifer opens the Hotel door  "This is our room?"

"You booked us a shared room?" Alastor glares at Charlie

Charlie answered nervously "Uh, yes. I thought it would be a good way to force you two to spend time together."

Lucifer sighs again "I'm going to need a drink."

Alastor smirks "I'll join you."

Charlie said worried "Please, just try to get along. For me?"

Lucifer sighs for the 5th time "Fine, Charlie. We'll try."

Alastor smirks again "For the sake of our dear hostess, I suppose."

Charlie smiles "Thank you both. I know you can do this." then the Princess Morningstar left the both powerful demons and got back to her Hotel


Lucifer and Alastor were now drinking at the Bar since Charlie left

"So, what do you think of this place?" Asked Alastor the short king

Lucifer answered not really convincing "It's... fine."

"Just fine? Come on, it's got everything. Live music, cheap booze, and plenty of sinners to torment. What more could you ask for?" said Al

Lucifer answered tired "I don't know. Maybe a little less noise?"

"Oh, come on. Don't be such a stick in the mud." Alastor then started to judge the King

Lucifer answered "I'm not a stick in the mud. I just prefer a more... refined atmosphere." 

The Radio Demon just laughed and said "Refined? You? The King of Hell?"

Lucifer then explained "Yes, even the King of Hell deserves a little refinement every now and then."

Alastor chuckled "Well, you're not going to find it here. This is a place for the common rabble."

Lucifer just rolled his eyes and Answered "Charming."

"So, what do you want to do?" Alastor then Asked

"I don't know. Maybe just sit here and drink." answered Lucifer bored

Alastor sighs and says "Boring."

"Well, I'm not the one who wanted to come to this place. Im only doing it for Charlie" The annoyed king answered

Alastor just said "Oh, come on. It's not so bad."

Lucifer glared at him for a moment "It's not so good either."

Alastor laughed again at how miserable the king was "You're such a killjoy."

Then the Big boss of hell himself stood up and told Alastor "I'm going for a walk."

"Where are you going?" The Overlord asked

"I don't know. Just away from you, you red strawberry pimp" Answered Lucifer

Alastor rolled his eyes again "Fine. Be a baby about it." then he chuckled

Lucifer then walks away, leaving Alastor alone at the table. Alastor sighs and takes another sip of his drink.

Alastor mumbled to himself "This is going to be a long week."


Lucifer Enters the hotel room, surprised to see Alastor back from the bar "Alastor, I didn't expect to find you here. I thought you'd be out still partying or something."

Alastor Slurring his words "L-Lucifer, you're back! I-I was just... having a little drink. Or a lot. I don't remember."

Lucifer answered Concerned "You're really drunk, Alastor. I shouldn't have left you alone. I went for a walk to clear my head because you were really getting on my nerves."

Alastor was there Laughing "Oh, Lucifer, you're too serious. I was just trying to have some fun. But I guess I overdid it."

Lucifer Sighs "Well, let's get you to bed. You need to sleep this off."

Alastor says Stumbling "Y-yeah, I think that's a good idea. But first, let me tell you about this amazing bar I found. It's called 'The Devil's Den.' You should check it out."

Lucifer Rolled his eyes "I'll consider it. But right now, let's focus on getting you to bed."

Alastor answered Giggling "Okay, okay. But first, let me tell you about this girl I met. She was so hot, and she was totally into me. I think I might have a chance with her."

Lucifer said Smirking "Alastor, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying."

Alastor answered Pouting "I'm not that drunk. I know what I'm saying. She was amazing."

Lucifer then Helps the Radio Demon to get to the bed "Alright, alright. We'll talk about it tomorrow when you're sober."

Alastor laid down down on the bed "You're right. Tomorrow. But promise me you'll check out 'The Devil's Den.' It's the best bar in town."

Lucifer Tucks Alastor in "I promise. Now, try to get some sleep."

Alastor mumbles "Okay, Lucifer. i appreciate you for taking care of me."

Lucifer smiles "Anytime, Alastor. That's why we are stuck for."

As Lucifer turned off the lights and left the room, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was relieved that Alastor was safe, but also a bit annoyed that he had to deal with his drunken antics. However, he knew that this was just a part of their vacation, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Day 2

The next morning, Lucifer woke up to the sound of Alastor snoring loudly. He shook his head and smiled, knowing that his rival was probably feeling the effects of the previous night's drinking. As he got ready for the day, he decided to keep his promise and check out 'The Devil's Den.'

Lucifer then enters the bar "Wow, this place is amazing. Alastor was right about that."

The bartender, a tall and muscular man with a scar across his face, approached Lucifer.

Bartender Smiled "Welcome to 'The Devil's Den.' What can I get you?"

Lucifer ordered a drink "I'll have a whiskey, neat."

As Lucifer sipped his drink, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He knew that this vacation was going to be full of surprises, and he was ready for whatever came his way. Little did he know that his adventures with Alastor were just beginning.

Over the next few days, Lucifer and Alastor explored the city, trying new foods, visiting local attractions, and even getting into a few bar fights. Despite their differences, they found a way to bond and create memories that would last a lifetime. 

As their vacation came to an end, Lucifer and Alastor sat in their hotel room, reminiscing about their adventures.

Alastor said Smiling "Lucifer, I'm glad we took this vacation together. It was a lot of fun."

Lucifer Nodds "Yeah, it was. I'm glad we were able to put our differences aside and enjoy ourselves."

Alastor then was Serious for a moment "Well, Lucifer, I want to thank you for taking care of me that night. I know I was a mess.., but you didn't have to do that."

Lucifer answered while Smiling "It's what friends do, Alastor. And besides, I couldn't leave you alone in that state."

Alastor said while Laughing "Yeah, I guess you're right. But next time, let's try to keep the drinking to a minimum."

Lucifer Laughed "Sure. And who knows, maybe we'll come back here someday and do it all over again."

As they packed their bags and prepared to leave, Lucifer and Alastor knew that their behaviour had change to a better state during their vacation. They had faced challenges together, laughed together, had fights at different places and created memories that would last a lifetime. And as they walked out of the hotel, they knew that their adventures were far from over.

Heya guys! Here i come with Chapter 6 and their Vacation! i hope you liked the Chapter as always and i am already happy to make the next part! <3

Stay tuned~

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