Ep-29: Fun with Bam

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We sit on chair which was there somehow and both Kim brothers began to speak what happened a while ago on the seashore..

Dad: "And then?"

Seokjin: "Y/n started worshiping me."

Y/n: (¬_¬)

If I could get a chance, I would slice that throat he is laughing with..

Jimin giggled while talking...

Jimin: "She looked so cute that I thought she is 16 something."

Y/n: "Jelly pea is only person who thought I'm young.."

Jung-woo: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "Everyone thought I'm grandma.."

I sighed in disbelief but mother Jeon made me to feel calm.

Mom: "I thought you are 18."

Y/n: "Thank you!!"

I was glaring others when uncle Jeon asked a painful question.

Dad: "Who thought that?"

Y/n: "Jungkook thought I'm 28 but Seokjin thought I'm a old lady in disguise and Yoongi assumed I'm 30+.."

I was crying and Yoongi apologized after chocking in the soup before coughing the life out of himself.

Yoongi: "Sorry!"

Y/n: "Here, drink water." (¬_¬)

Yoongi: "I'm sorry!"

Y/n: "I don't know anyone here I know."

Jungkook: "Sorry now eat."

Y/n: "Whatever."

Jimin: "I thought you are young and-"

Namjoon: "Miss Jeon, thanks for the lunch."

He suddenly cut off Jimin and changed the topic.. I wonder what he was about to say..

Mom: "It's ok son."

Y/n: "I'm full too. Thanks for the treat aunty and thanks for the chance to eat a good meal God."

Third person pov:

She left from there with the paper plates after praying to the god.

Miss Jeon smiled before praising the girl once again.

Mom: "She is so polite and caring."

Dad: "Yes... I wish that would be my daughter."

Mom: "Me too.. Well do you know anything about her family?"

Namjoon: "She didn't shared much about it.. Because they went in heaven at a very young age.."

Seokjin: "But she told about her past that her villagers turned into zombies before she left."

Dad: "That's why she look lost and sad.."

Mom: "She must be suffering from inside."


Y/n's POV:

Y/n: "But I-"

Man: "I'm warning you."

I stopped in midway when he warned me while holding my shoulders tightly.

He was angrier than before and much more cold..

Man: "Don't stay too happy with them or else it would be painful for you and them."

I looked down in fear because I'm scared..

I apologized in a weak voice while holding my tears.

Y/n: "I..I'm sorry."

He leaved my shoulders harshly and asked usual questions.

I kept my composer to answer him because he knows I can't lie..

Man: "Well how are they doing?"

Y/n: "None of them is suspecting anything about me."

Man: "Hmm ok."

He didn't asked anything further and left from there.. Leaving behind this big rock alone.

And 100℅ sure now that he is spying on me and all of us..

I heard Seokjin's loud yell and I peeked to see what's going on.

Seokjin: "From where you got that ball!?"

Jungkook: "It's my secret."

He winked at him and I felt someone next to me.

I looked and it's was Bam.

I sit on my knees to run both of my hands on his body.

But he started to lick my hands... I guess he heard our conversation...

I smiled before talking in a gentle voice to make him feel some ease.

Y/n: "Heyyy Bam I'm alright don't worry... Hey wanna play together?"

Jimin: "Where is that super energetic big baby!?"

An evil idea popped up in my mind which made my face grow a smirk.

Y/n: "Hey Bam let's scare him. Shh"

I pushed bam indicating that he had to run in Jimin's direction.

Third person POV:

Jimin looked at Bam with a smile before calling him with the same name.

Jimin: "Big baby!!" >_<

Jungkook: "Bam.."(¬_¬)

He gave a side eye while folding his hands against his chest.

Jimin commented..

Jimin: "Don't look at me like Y/n.. We have enough Y/ns in this group."

Jungkook: "We have only one. "(¬_¬)

Jimin: "You all started owning her qualities."

Jungkook: "Are you blind?" (¬_¬)

Y/n was thinking deeply about whether she should laugh because of Jungkook or throw Jimin in the nearest dustbin.

Jimin: "I- AHHH!!!!"

JIMIN screamed without completing his sentence because Bam jumped on his small body to lick him continuously.

Jimin managed to break free from his little captor's grasp and took off running with Bam following close behind.

Y/n came out running while encouraging Bam.

Y/n: "Take your revenge Bam!!"

Y/n and Jungkook were laughing but in a normal way not like Seokjin and Hoseok because Seokjin was dying and Hoseok was rolling on the sandy ground.

Y/n  giggled while looking at Namjoon because he was regretting his life decision.

Jungwoo was reading a book peacefully while sitting under the tree shed. So she decided to approach him because the book cover was attracting her.

Word count: 837

Because I don't feel like writing this days...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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