{The Fieldtrip} (Part Six)

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Contains fluff.     {Miles' Pov}

As Y/N starts to get ready for the schooltrip, Simon stared at me like a demon. He really didn't like me I guess. But I had to deal with it. "You better treat my girl like a queen, scum." He said. I nod. "Could you please let the word 'scum' out of your sentences?" I requested. he goes silent. "Thank you." I said, as I continued to wait for Y/N to come back. 

A few minutes later, Y/N came
 back, dressed up. She wore a cute t-shirt with stars on it, and a skaterpants. It looked really cute on her. Her shirt was wrapped around her beautiful body, as if it was a bathrope. I really liked the curves Y/N was showing. 

Simon wrapped his arms around her. "Beautiful girl. You know what your babe wants to see." Y/N nods. Soon enough, we have to go downstairs to the aula. Simon was following us. And it was pretty annoying. I think Y/N didn't really like this too. Once we sat into the bus, Y/N sat next to me. "I'm excited! And you?" I asked. She nods, not saying a thing. I sat on the inside of the two seats, so I stared outside. 

I kept staring outside, until I felt a head on my shoulder. "Mmm...wanna sleep..." I smiled. An hour later, we arrived at the museum. Y/N and I were a couple, so I could keep an eye on her. That's what Simon wants after all. At a certain moment, Y/N grabbed my hand. I was about to tell her how I felt about her ""perfect"" boyfriend. But when I tried to say it, I got rudely interrupted by a villian. Green goblin. 

This really wasn't the time to have this shit. But I had to save my crush. So I grabbed her tight, as I put her in a safe spot. "Don't come out." I said, as she nodded, being scared for life. I ran to the bathrooms, as I put my spiderman suit on. 

I fought the big villian, as it dissapeared in a portal. 'You've got to be kiddin' me?! is Kingping busy again?' I picked Y/N up in a bridal style, and swung through the city. I brought her back to school. "Spiderman..." She says, as I put her back to her feet.

"yes, gorgeous?" I asked. "Thank you..." I smiled under my mask. "of course. I love to save people." Before I knew it, she kissed me on the lips. Only my mask was in between our lips. I really liked it, though... So much...

"You're such a cutie, Y/N." I said. She smiled her cute smile. "Thank you, spiderman." I smiled, as I swung away again. I really admired her now... She kissed me...My crush kissed me!! I took a break on a roof, so I could imagine the moment again. She is something special.

I love her.

(484 words)

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