The Deal

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The dimly lit room reeked of smoke and desperation. I stood tall, my heart racing, as the man before me sneered. His cold, calculating gaze made my skin crawl, but I refused to back down.

"So, you're the one who thinks they can pay off their father's debt," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

I nodded, my voice steady. "I am. I have the money, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to clear my father's name."

The man, known only as "The Boss," chuckled, a menacing sound. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, little one. But I like your spirit. Very well, I accept your offer. You will work for me, and in return, your father's debt will be forgiven."

I hesitated, sensing the weight of my decision. But I had no choice. My father's life was on the line, and I would do anything to save him.

"Agreed," I said, extending my hand.

The Boss grasped it, his handshake firm. "Welcome to the family, Sophia. You will learn to obey, to follow orders without question. And you will learn to love the darkness that comes with being mine."

A shiver ran down my spine as he released my hand. I knew I was walking into a world of danger and uncertainty, but I was ready to face whatever lay ahead. For my father, I would do anything. Even sell my soul to the devil himself.

As I left the room, a tall, brooding figure caught my eye. His piercing gaze seemed to see right through me, and I felt a flutter in my chest. Who was he, and what role would he play in my new life?

Little did I know, our paths would cross again soon, and the consequences would be deadly.

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