The First Collection

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Chapter 4: The First Collection

Vinnie handed me a folder with a smirk. "Your first collection, Sophia. Don't mess it up."

I took the folder, my heart racing. Inside, I found a name, address, and a photo of a middle-aged man with a pleading expression.

"Who is he?" I asked, trying to sound confident.

"Tony Marino. Owes us five grand. You'll go to his shop, and...persuade him to pay up."

Marco's gaze bore into me, his eyes warning me not to fail.

I arrived at Tony's shop, a small deli in the heart of Little Italy. My heart raced as I entered, the bell above the door jingling.

Tony looked up, his eyes widening in fear. "S-Sophia...please...I'll pay...I swear..."

I took a deep breath, trying to sound convincing. "Tony, you owe us five grand. Pay up, or...or else."

He trembled, tears streaming down his face. "I'll get it...I promise...just please...don't hurt my family..."

I felt a pang of guilt, but Marco's voice echoed in my mind. "You'll do as you're told, Sophia...or you'll suffer the consequences."

I left the shop with a check for five grand, feeling like a criminal. As I handed it to Vinnie, he grinned.

"Good job, Sophia. You're a natural."

Marco's gaze met mine, his eyes cold and unyielding. I knew I had to keep playing by their rules, but my conscience was screaming in protest.

And then, I saw him - a mysterious figure watching me from the shadows. His eyes locked onto mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Who was he? And what did he want from me?

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