The Docks

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I arrived at the docks, my heart racing with anticipation and fear. Alexander was already there, his eyes scanning the surroundings before locking onto mine.

"Come," he said, leading me to a secluded area.

We stood facing each other, the only sound the lapping of the water against the shore.

"What did you discover?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Alexander hesitated before speaking. "Your father was working on a project, a big one. He had discovered a weakness in the syndicate's operations, a way to bring them down from the inside."

My eyes widened as the pieces fell into place. "He was going to betray them."

Alexander nodded. "But they found out. And they silenced him."

I felt a chill run down my spine. "Who was involved?"

Alexander's eyes locked onto mine. "Dominic. He was the one who ordered the hit."

I felt a surge of anger and determination. "I need proof."

Alexander nodded. "I have it. Meet me at the old warehouse tomorrow night, and I'll give it to you."

As I left the docks, I knew I was in grave danger. But I was ready to fight. I was going to take down the syndicate, no matter the cost.

The next night, I arrived at the warehouse, my heart racing with anticipation. Alexander was already there, a small package in his hand.

"This is the proof you need," he said, his eyes serious. "But be careful, Sophia. They'll stop at nothing to keep this secret buried."

I took the package, my fingers trembling as I opened it. Inside, I found a recording of Dominic ordering the hit on my father.

I felt a surge of anger and determination. I was going to take him down, no matter what it took.

As I left the warehouse, I knew I was in grave danger. But I was ready to fight. I was going to bring the syndicate to its knees, no matter the cost.

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