Chapter 26: Endless thoughts

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The embers had long gone out, leaving the both of us in complete darkness, but not succumbed to it. We had become used to the black-blue eeriness, and the night made things appear different and miss-shaped, making things not what they seemed. Draven carefully placed the medicinal supplies away while I quietly watched him, lost in my thoughts. Will it be a good idea to let him know where I had gone to? He had been distraught earlier upon my arrival back to camp, and with so many around, I could not bring myself to tell him, afraid we may have spies listening in. I couldn't help but shut my eyes and sigh loud enough for him to hear and pause; turning my way, the log shifted under us but not completely, forcing my eyes wide, surprised, but thankfully, nothing occurred. But for safety, I gripped the log for support.

"My apologies," he paused, then continued when my face relaxed," it seems something is on your mind?"

 I can tell him, right? The inner voice in my head asked. No one was around to hear us as everyone had long left to their tents, and Keyair was tended and put to rest. Tomorrow, he'd be forced to ride in the back of a small wagon full of supplies pulled along by a horse. His leg was too battered to hold onto a horse's back. Using the excuse that a rogue coyote got a hold of him was not a bad idea and plausible. But showing up with a high elf bruised and battered is going to cause us some trouble. I hope he can heal enough to walk okay, at least, and to reassure the king as well as the citizens of the Elven Kingdom that everything is fine. This will mean no more late-night trips outside of camp, and I won't be able to find out who that woman he met up with was nor able to understand what plans he had in store for us.

 There was also the fact that Cestiel only showed up when I was completely alone, away from any guard keeping watch. So, if I snuck out again, would he show up? Most likely not. I think the only reason he showed himself was because of that woman meeting Keyair. Something told me there was much more going on, and I was afraid I couldn't handle it and only get in the way. Draven awaited me to continue, and I coughed, clearing my throat and forcing the thoughts to remain silent.

 "I followed Keyair in the forest after you left with the young guard," I said, meeting him with a serious expression.

We were silent for a long moment. I could see how his mind was racing, filled with questions, and it was likely hard for him to decide what to ask first. I took this opportunity to continue.

"He ventured deep within and met with a woman I could not recognize. Her back was facing me the entire time, and when I was as close as I could, they were ambushed. That's how the high elf received those wounds, but we mustn't alert anyone of the truth, Draven. Keep this between us."

His brows knitted together, obviously upset, and he spoke with a frown," My lady, how could you put yourself in such danger?"

I looked away, scanning the silent camp where no soul stood, then into the dark forest where not even the tree trunks could be seen clearly.

"I know it was foolish of me, but I had to know what he was up to, not only for the cause of our mission but for every one of your safeties. What if he planned an ambush and rid you all? Then what?"

When I turned to stare back at him, Draven sighed and rubbed his face. His arms flopped over his knees as he leaned forward, watching the ground as if something would crawl out and show itself from the sandy flooring. 

"Please don't do this again, Your Highness," he paused to turn his head, and his eyes were full of concern and worry. I couldn't help but feel vulnerable in that moment. Had I been immature and childish in my selfish reasonings? I couldn't shake the feeling of being a child scolded by a parent. Seeing me fidget uncomfortably, he settled a calloused, rough hand atop mine, forcing my mind blank and my attention averted to him. A small smile formed, and he continued," Thank you for thinking of us. We should head to bed now. The sun will rise in a few hours, and we must make haste since we lost so much time yesterday. I'm afraid your morning practice will have to come to a halt to make it to the Elven Kingdom in time."

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