Chapter 27: Weakness

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Draven leaned forward and applied another cool, wet towel atop my forehead. It was so hard to breathe. I was hot and uncomfortable and sweating profusely.

"When did this start, Your Highness?" Draven asked, concerned while ringing out the towels lined up alongside a nearly half-empty wooden bucket.

It was hard for me to answer at first, but after licking my dry, cracked lips and forcing the small amount of energy into speaking, I replied," I'm not entirely sure. I overdid it last night."

His eyes were pained as he spoke," We have to be heading out soon. Do you think you can ride a horse by yourself?"

I shook my head no, "Not alone," I said, feeling the raspiness within my throat and a lingering tickle formed in its place.

"Ride with me then. Do you think you can stand?"

Clearing my throat more than I can count in an attempt to drive the irritating tickle away, I nodded in reply to his question. My entire body ached and burned as I tried to push myself, and with little success, I managed to stand, but not without having to lean on Draven for support. Giving myself a moment, I stood still, the world spinning rapidly, forming a nauseating ball within the pit of my belly. 

"I can't let Keyair see me like this," I stressed, my breaths heavy and difficult.

Draven frowned but did not object.

"If they ask why we are riding together, tell them that I simply did not sleep well and needed to catch my rest for a few hours."

"They might suspect us of relations, my lady."

I felt the sweat trickle down the sides of my face, trailing around the brigde of my nose past my tear duct. It tickled and itched annoyingly, but simply standing still and breathing took up all my energy, so I forced myself to ignore the annoying situation.

"It is not odd for a royal to seek assistance from their guard," I snapped, more irritated than usual.

Draven had stepped into my tent about two hours ago to stir me awake, requesting that I freshen up and consume breakfast before the others got up when he had noticed I was unwell. At first, I was delirious and hysterical, and only after a few sips of water and the coolness of the soaked towels had I come to my senses. Instantly, dread befell me. If the high elf and the others found out, there was no telling what may have happened. One could report to the king just how weak I am and cause this mission to be for not. Once I had mustered enough strength, I guided Draven to the location and process of administering my medicine; however, it took far longer to work than usual. When my illness is uncontrollable, it almost always results in bounding me to my chambers for days, forcing me unconscious.

I sighed, my breath hot as it escaped past my swollen lips from the constant friction of my tongue. My eyes shut tightly, and my chin slowly rose towards the sky. My teeth clenched, and I opened my eyes, the tears from the pain and strain falling out of the corners mixing with the sweat; no doubt I looked like one that had been out for far too long in the rain.

"Let's move now, Draven."

"Maybe we should wait until this subsides, my lady."

"No time for that. I can't let Keyair see me like this, and even more, his Highness the King can't find out I still suffer from illness."

"Why must you be burdened so much? What's the point of all of this? It should be the queen-"

"Draven," I hissed, glaring," do not insult her majesty, my sister, Maylyn, ever again. I am her personal assistant to our kingdom, and my role is to ensure that negotiations with other kingdoms go as planned."

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