Chapter 39: Sweet

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It had been an hour past since we left the campground; those around had passed waving and introducing themselves. Two in particular were familiar from my childhood aside from Caelestis. Theron and Nasryn, who had once met my mother long ago while Maylyn and I were still in her womb growing. They bowed and spoke of old times, laughing and chatting, but I couldn't follow along, too occupied in my thoughts. I wanted to ask Cesteil about Tsillah. She rode farther away next to Caelestis, her under eyes red. Had she been crying?

When the two warriors waved goodbye and headed farther up to be our eyes in case of an attack, I cleared my throat. But before I could say anything, his arm tensed under my breasts.

"I know what you want to ask, and it's not what you think."

"What is it then?"

"If she and I had relations."

"Well, that was one of my questions."

"She has a crush on me."

"And you don't feel the same?"

He bent down, glaring. I laughed and turned my head slightly, covering my mouth, but it was too late. Too many heads turned our way.

Straightening, becoming stiff, he said," No, I don't, quite the opposite rather. She's annoying. A child that runs a mock getting under my skin. I've told her time and time again that my goal was to bring you back here and marry you. But she believed she could change my mind, and one day, she entered my tent in the middle of the night."

"I assumed she didn't succeed."


"Fine, fine, I'm sorry, I'll stop teasing you."

"Ever since that night, I've made sure she's watched at all times."

"Why did you have her remain in camp?"

"She's one of the few healers we have, and if war breaks out again, I can't have any more of my people die on me."

"I understand. But I do feel a bit sorry for her; she's been crying; look how red her eyes are."

"Let her. She'll finally learn a lesson."


I looked away from her and stared out into the clearing; we'd been traveling downhill closer to where the borders met. Upon entering the kingdom, we weren't able to visit the majestic forest.

"What is the final process of an awakening? Rather, what is an awakening entirely?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Usually, an elf will go through the process once they reach adulthood. Magic is stored and dormant until then. Awakening is a process where one, much higher in magic, inserts some of theirs and unravels the shell of the inactive magic activating it."

"And that's why I was unconscious for three days."

"Yes. But why you hold magic is a mystery to all of us elves. So we will meet with the great fairy queen, who could potentially answer that for us and help you finish awakening. I can sense the magic within you. It's flowing the wrong way for some reason, which has occurred many times in our people. We simply bring them to the forest."

"What happens after that?"

"There is an old oak tree that is the root and heart of the forest. It is where the queen resides and where she can reroute the flow."

"I can't say I'm not afraid, Cesteil. I'm also confused and curious as to why I have magic in the first place. I hope she can give me some answers and not ones that will lead to more questions."

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