Chapter 28: The Gate

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It wasn't far now. I could see the tops of the enormous gate leading to the entrance of the Elven Kingdom, but there was something sinister and dark about it as we came to a halt just before the thick woods ended. Nothing compared to the stories I heard as a child. It was described as a warm, welcoming, and magical place, yet instead, I felt none of that. The walls of the gate wrapped around as far as the eye could see and were covered with thin, long, dead, and dried vines resembling that of witch-like fingers crawling up and reaching for the top of the wall like a creature of the damned fighting against a pull from deep within the ground dragging it back to its endless hellish demise, perishing as a result, forced to remain in that position for eons to come. At the end of the woods, a path leading down, the horse's hooves, cautious against the loose gravel beneath us, made their way closer. At first, the area seemed abandoned, even vacant, and I had to look around to ensure we had come the right way.

Not a soul around made itself present, not even an animal scurrying around or an insect buzzing. I felt the courage and curiosity melt away, replaced by sheer utter fear. It's as if no one was supposed to ever enter these parts, and if they did, they'd meet their end, similar to the illusion of that creature made of vines.

Keyair rode up next to Draven and me; he had healed within a day's rest and roamed around the camp this morning like a newborn calf. Only on the day he rested because of his wounds was it a quiet and peaceful ride, making the trip much more enjoyable.

His face beamed, and instantly, my mood soured, but I forced myself not to show it. I had to get on his good side from now on if I wanted answers.

"Isn't it magnificent?"

Was this a joke? It was apparent that this gate suffered the after-effects of war and the absence of improvement. Which in turn made my stomach turn. Does that mean the king does not care for the kingdom and its people? I suddenly remembered Keyair mentioning how I had helped further develop the Vampire Kingdom from neglect during our first and second meetings. So this is what he means to say that I was the perfect candidate to improve the Elven Kingdom lands. I swallowed the ball that had formed within my throat and became doubtful suddenly.

"It seems no one is around," Draven said, taking notice of my state." Is this normal? A kingdom should have guards for passage and defense, yet I see no one."

"Ah, yes, well, you see, they are preparing for the banquet that will happen tonight. I have the right of passage through the magic I wield, so the doors will open and close automatically. There is a spell cast on the gate right now, and it will not open to just anyone."

"Even so, can't the gates be attacked?"

"No one dares to attack the Elven Kingdom, captain. That would be suicidal. Our king is most powerful, and with just a few words, those around would die like a lone deer venturing into a wolf's den."

Coming to stand right up to the gate doors, they stood tall and large, and we were mere ants compared to them. I had to jerk my head back just to make out the tops. The gate was made of stone; however, there was wear and tear due to the massive amount of vines left unattended. This place was neglected, and something told me that no guards had been there for a long time. Was the king and his people that sure and arrogant of themselves? They could put magic around the gate yet chose not to guard or fix it, allowing it to crumble and remain forsaken.

Something wasn't right here. Goosebumps pricked my skin even though we wore thick and heavy clothing. This was starting to look more and more like a trap.

"Your Highness?"

Keyair's voice broke me out of the trance-like down-word spiral.

"You've gone pale. Are you unwell again? I've called your name multiple times, yet you did not respond."

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