Chapter 41: Enchanted Forest

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I gently pushed his outstretched hands away but not entirely and held them loosely for a moment, saying," You've done enough for me. I need to overcome this by myself if I ever want to grow stronger. There will be more to face soon, and I can't be weak."

He looked hurt but nodded, standing. Shoving myself up, I brushed the dirt off me, although there really wasn't a reason to do so. The dress was tattered and stained; nothing could save it now. Checking to see if I was ready before we headed deeper into the woods, I gave him a weak smile. This was good. It was necessary for me to get stronger.

Walking through the forest, I took in the beautiful
scenery, or so I thought, but the deeper we went in, the less enchanting it was. Dark, black, dead life scattered the ground like an abyss, ready to swallow you up if you so much as stepped in it, never to return. Looking confused, I couldn't help but stop and touch the matter. Between two fingers, the substance that at one point was a healthy, vibrant leaf was no more than a puff of ash to the slightest pressure, leaving behind a thick black smear.

"Cesteil, what happened here?"

He paused to turn to see what I was referring to and then said," I'm not sure myself. The last time I came here was when I was a young boy. This place was filled with fairies and pixies by the thousands, but now I can't see even one."

"Are we headed in the right direction? Could it be we are going the wrong way?"

"Although the forest changes its appearance every so many years to ward off those with bad intent, I do remember the way to the forest's heart."

Frowning, I stood up and walked to him, careful not to step in any of the dead beds of ferns. I looked ahead and saw a stream not too far from us.

"Let's head there for a moment," I paused, pointing, and he nodded," I want to wash this blood off me. It's making me sick."


The stream turned out to be a massive waterfall. Steam and fog floated thickly toward the shore but disappeared before reaching us. The sound of its heavy fall filled my ears. It was a soft but loud, enveloping tumble. It looked refreshing and inviting. I hated having to wash in it, but the stench and the way Tsillah's blood made me feel were overwhelming. Falling to my knees and splashing myself, I felt utter relief instantly. I couldn't help but stare off into the distance, admiring the beauty.

Crystal clear, clean water, so much so that you could see many shells, stones of an array of colors, and white sand speckled with black peppercorn substance. No signs of life, most likely too afraid after the disturbance I caused. Thankfully, this spring was still untouched by whatever disease or illness was causing those patches around the area.

Cesteil's hand clenched the hilt of his sword, eyeing the forest. He must've been on edge, still afraid we'd been followed. Standing, I motioned for him to continue leading. There was no sense in wasting too much time gawking, although I secretly wished we had come during a better time so we could've enjoyed the forest more.

Deeper we went and the forest began to resemble that of a graveyard. One spot, in particular, may have held a large pound filled with life, but now, it was a giant gaping hole as if an asteroid had fallen and landed, causing it. Fish bones littered and tattooed the earth. Vegetation did not grow in or around, and the same black ash-like substance stained the ground. Whatever happened here was now evident that something was wrong with the forest, and what worried me was whether the oak tree and the queen were in danger.

Cesteil slowed his walk and cautiously glanced around. Reaching for my hand, he intertwined his fingers through mine, squeezing tightly but not enough to hurt me.

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