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Air Temple Island
Third person pov

Korra sat in bed as she yawned, it had been a particularly stress filled day with all the running around she's been needing to do, especially since Gaoling is finally bringing in presidency after so long, looking outside the window at Republic city she sighed with a smile

Asami: What are you smiling about?

Asami walked in wearing her usual sleep wear after finally getting ready for bed after (probably) 30 minutes

Korra: No reason, just admiring the view

Asami smiled softly as she sat next to korra and looked out at Republic city aswell, the spirit portal shined brightly in the night sky as different amalgamations came in and out of it, asami saw how korra looked at it, with almost a hint of pride yet slight regret

Asami: Korra, I'm sure it's fine, there's no need to worry, the spirits will be fine aswell as the park

Korra: i know, i just still can't get what raiko said out my head that day

Asami: oh don't worry about him, he was an idiot, you did fine honey, i couldn't be any more proud

Korra sighed before smiling again and leaning over to kiss her softly while holding her hand

Korra: thank you, for staying with me, even after all this

Asami: how could i not

Korra smiled more before sliding under the covers, pulling asami with her

Korra: c'mon, let's get some sleep, I'm tired as is

Asami: alright alright, let's sleep

Korra and asami slowly adjusted as they cuddled eachother to sleep, the loving embrace between the 2 made the bed feel even softer, making them sleep almost instantly

2 hours later

Multiple dark clothed figures sneaked onto the island from in the ground, one stood out in particular, a 6 foot masculine looking figure lead a few others of varying height and muscle, they sneaked around the island almost completely silently as if looking for something, that's when they saw it, the avatar and her wife sleeping ever so softly, the leader motioned his hand towards the window and lead the group in slowly, he glared at the avatar as she slept, bringing out a dagger he gently moved her head and quickly stabbed her throat pulling her to the floor, asami woke up and saw the scene immediately screaming

Asami: KORRA!!

The other men immediately charged her only for her to easily defend herself, she quickly charged the man that held her wife, the man dropped her in response and ran off out the window, the extra men in tow, asami held korra gently as she bled from her neck, she tried to keep the blood in by grabbing towels but it still gushed out, finally all the lights in the temple turned on as gaurds rushed through the halls, they screamed for the intruders to stop only for them to steal a boat and drive off, throwing bombs at the spare ones to keep their getaway safe and that it did the tenzin family arrived to the room, they watched in fear as asami shrieked from the top of her lungs for korra to keep kicking, to just hang on but sadly, it was too late

A small village near Gaoling

A few days after korra's sad demise, a new baby was born, a short haired woman sat on a bed holding a tiny baby, his small hands held onto his mother's fingers as he slept, his mother on the other hand couldn't get a wink of sleep, she looked down at the baby in amazement, she couldn't believe how handsome her baby was, a man sat beside them, he just stared at the small boy with a smile

???: He has your nose iva

The woman, now known as iva smiled and looked at the man

Iva: and he has your jade eyes ralo

The 2 continued to look at their baby softly, iva yawned and slowly leaned back with the baby boy in her arms, holding him close, ralo gently took the baby out of her hands

Ralo: I'll let you sleep honey, get some rest

Iva slowly nodded before quickly falling asleep, and ralo too the baby outside to reveal a large crowd of people, atleast a few dozen, they all had hopeful faces as they looked at the man, he slowly put a finger over his mouth to shush the crowd as he showed them the boy, they all smiled as they saw his sleeping face, some of the smaller children got closer and got better looks at the small child, ralo chuckled as they looked on in curiosity, questioning when he would be able to play with them, he laughed and said it'd be awhile, little did he know, he had alot more in store than just a regular baby boy

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