The Young Avatar

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Bu Shao Village
A few hours later

Asami and the group looked down at the burning forest and so far they haven't seen a single person

Mako: we need to go down there, people could be trapped!

Jinora: we can't, peppers too big, she'll catch fire

Mako winced Slightly, he hated not being able to go down and help, bolin shouted as he pointed towards the village a few miles away

Bolin: Look, it's the village! And it's untouched?

Asami: good! We'll be able to stop it before it can rea-

She was interrupted as a large pole of fire shout out from beneath the trees aswell as an excruciating scream, it moved around like a destructive wave, the groups watched in horror as a large gust of wind shot out and lifted the very trees out of the ground, launching them, Mako immediately hopped off pepper, softening his fall with his bending and erupting a large wall to block the village, pepper landed in the village to see multiple scared and confused people

Asami: we're here to help, what's going on

Haru: w-we don't know but my son is in there!

Asami nodded before looking to the others who nodded aswell

Mako: Jinora, meelo, ikki! Stay here and control the fire, Bolin, make a ditch and stop the fire! Asami, take care of everyone here, see if anyone is injured! I'll go inside and find the source of the fire!

Everyone nodded and did exactly that, the tenzin kids made gusts of winds to push the fire away as bolin built a large ditch all the way around the village, Asami watched on as they did their jobs and mako ran off into the forest

Bu Shao Forest

Mako ran in and tried to stop as much fire as possible while sprinting towards the loud booms and crashes of trees and rocks, he continued to run and run with no sight of the woman's child until he heard another scream, but this one was different

???: Mom! Dad! Help! I'm scared!

Mako: kid! Where are you!?

???: my leg hurts! I-it hurts, i just want my mom!

Mako: I'll help you, just tell me where you are!

???: I-it's dark, i think I'm in a cave, my friend put me in here!

Mako immediately looked to the ground for any disturbances in the grass and noticed a plain with no grass, he ran to it and immediately started to dig up the dirt revealing a small child, his dark brown hair was ruffled up and one of his red eyes was cut open, his leg was turned around in way it shouldn't have been, all in all, this kid was surprisingly sane for such pain, mako slowly picked the kid up, he laid his head on his chest

???: who are you?

Mako: my name's mako, I'm here to help, i have some people back in your village keeping the fire away, I'll take you back so you can get fixed up, okay?

The boy only nodded as he slowly fell asleep, mako immediately shook his body

Mako: hey hey! Don't fall asleep, stay awake!

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