Our New Avatar

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6 years later
Republic city, Spirit park

Asami sat infront of a large statue of korra, it stood beside the spirit portal as it shot into the sky, multiple collages of flowers, drawings and letters sat at the foot of it, she looked on as she sighed, today was the day that the new avatar would hopefully be found, there had been rumors of a small child showing great enthusiasm and strength in bending the elements, a hand is softly put on her shoulder, looking back we see a much older jinora, 38 years old

Jinora: Are you ready? You don't have to come, i know you still miss her

Asami: no no, it's fine, i still want to come, just taking a last look before we leave

Jinora nodded and looked up at the statue, she remembers the sight of korra's last moments vividly, especially Asami's expression of fear, it was heartbreaking, even now, everyone could tell her death still had an effect on Asami, not a crippling one but still, asami took a deep breath and stood up looking at jinora

Asami: let's go meet this new avatar

Jinora: Ofcourse

Jinora and asami walked towards her flying bison pepper, they assisted eachother in getting on and flew off, only a few minutes later 2 other bison flew nearby pepper revealing the gang and Jinora's siblings, mako sat against the saddle as he watched the city from above, bolin simply smiled as pabu laid on his shoulders

Bolin: i can't believe it, a new avatar already, what do ya'll think they'll be like?, should i have brought a gift?

Mako: We'll get to meet them soon, from what hear it's a boy near Gaoling, apparently he lives in his father's village

Asami raised an eyebrow

Asami: a village, why not just live in Gaoling?

Mako shrugged his shoulders

Mako: i don't know, all i know is that they live in a village near Gaoling, supposedly he had bent entire boulder miles away, if that doesn't scream avatar i don't know what does

Jinora: even if he doesn't bend for us i brought the old way to tell if he's just a natural or the actual avatar

Bolin: and how's that?

Jinora smiled before reaching into the saddle bag and brought out a small pouch and handed it to asami, asami raised a brow once more before opening it to see 4 toys, they all resembled different animals but the one that caught her attention was a panda dog that looked alot like naga

Bolin: toys?

Jinora nodded

Jinora: toys, back before aang eas born it was a way to tell if they were an avatar in their past, a way to connect to their past in a sense

Asami: I'm guessing he needs to pick naga

Jinora: yep, naga and korra had a strong bond that no doubt is very important to her spirit, so once he sees the toy he'll no doubt pick that one

Meelo groaned in the background as he listened to her info dump much to jinora's dismay

Meelo: yeah yeah, toys, spirit, whatever, I'm just wondering about his bending, he moved an entire boulder, that's gotta mean something, don't it?

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