Meeting once again

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Bu Shao Village

Yin slowly woke up in his bed, the familiar smell of cooked meat made it's way into his room as he slowly sat up only to hiss at a sudden stinging in his lower back, he looked down to see his lower chest wrapped in bandages, out of the corner of his eye he noticed a small, trimmed, and smooth stick, after standing up and limping over to it, he slowly left the room, the smell of the meat only got stronger when his stomach grumbled, turning the corner he saw his mother cooking with a few other recognizable faces, they all looked to him as he gazed back

Iva: yin!

She immediately ran over and picked him up, holding him tight only for him to respond with a hiss of pain, she immediately put him back down but still kept him close

Iva: I'm sorry sweetheart, i-i've just been worried for so long, you've been asleep for the past 2 days

Yin: 2 days? Really?

Mako: yep, the second we got here you passed out, luckily your injuries weren't bad but when you were in the avatar state, you had wasted alot of energy

Yin looked down as he thought back, he remembered talking to korra, then finding mako and bolin, anything beyond that was a blur

Yin: I'm sorry for causing so much trouble

Iva: it's fine sweetheart, ofcourse it's fine...they told me about what you are, no matter what you're still my baby boy

Yin smiled softly, a taller woman approached him and bent to his height as she had a smile on her face, she held her hand out

Asami: so you're yin, I've heard a little about you, you seem sweet, my name is Asami

Yin: were married to korra

Asami's eyes widened as the brothers did aswell

Asami: how did you know that?

Yin: I spoke with korra, she told me that ya'll could help me with being the avatar, i-i don't know what that is though

Asami stared at him as he mentioned talking to korra, mako noticed her disassociation and brought her back by shaking her shoulder nodding, she cleared her throat

Asami: w-well, that is definitely interesting but i think jinora will help you better with anything regarding the avatar

Yin noticed her slightly injured attitude but he noticed her sadness and didn't want to make it worse

Yin: where is she?

Bolin: here, I'll lead ya

Bolin and yin's stomach growled, the room was silent for a second

Bolin: ... after we eat

After a mostly silent breakfast, bolin lead yin to jinora who simply sat by herself looking at the burnt forest, yin felt nervous once again, he looked up to bolin who replied with a nod and smile, yin took a deep breath and sat by jinora just a few feet away

Jinora: i won't bite, there's no need to worry

Yin: i didn't want to annoy you

The Vengeful Avatar: Yin Where stories live. Discover now