Take Over

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Republic City

Radio: Hello my brothers and sisters, it is i, your new boss, your new president if you will, these benders have taken their unnatural, disgusting abilities and used them to take what was not theirs, to hurt those who were not equal, but now, we will take something of theirs, Republic City, for years it has been the birthplace of some of the strongest and most destructive benders, now it will be the death of them, we will take our rightful place on the food chain and destroy these unnatural creatures, let the new reign

The broadcast showed almost everywhere in the world, some televisions even having a special video replaying of a Pro-Bending poster burning again and again, the camera switches to a group of 2 teens, a certain girl was extremely pissed over what was happening, spitting fire around her mouth, the room they sat it was big and lavish

Kerru: spirits damnit! Are you fucking kidding me, now! Right before the championship match! Fuck fuck fuck!

A tall boy sat near her reading through a book with one arm, the other replaced with rocks and pebbles, an owl wolf laid her head on his lap and seemed to be sleeping peacefully

???: aww someone seems a bit grumpy

The girl turned and grimaced at him before grabbing the book and tearing it out of his hand

Kerru: oh, I'm sorry barik, is my totally appropriate pissed off attitude ruining your studying, aren't you looking or even listening to the TV, look!

Barik: yes I'm listening, i have been the past few hours and it was nice until you, oh so kindly ruined my reading time, so could you please relax, your Pro-Bending can wait for one little protest you prissy ass

Kerru: I'll show you bending when i take your other arm!

Barik's rock arm turned into magma and lava rock, he stood up, a whole foot taller than her

Barik: come on then, let's-

The door was slammed open as the 2 siblings quickly went back to what they were doing, the perp revealed to be their mother who wore an elegant dress yet her make-up made her look like an evil spirit

Mom: could you 2 please stop yelling, fight all you want but I'm trying to get ready for the rally

Kerru: why would you be going to the rally, that's AGAINST benders?

Mom: Simple, i have to look good on the TV and the papers, "CEO of Cabbage corp supports the ungifted" it'd be some good popularity for the business, you 2 are coming to, so get dressed

Kerru put on an offended look before stomping to her mother

Kerru: these people are ruining my championship! Why would i support them?!

Mom: be careful dear, i may just take you out of it permanently

Kerru flinched at the thought before turning around and crossing her arms

Kerru: ...fine

The mom grinned before looking to her son just for him to nod and head to his room, she looked at him with an angry face but he could tell it was alot more than anger

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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