Panic and Fun

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Republic City
Republic City Police Department

Mako walked into the police department after getting an early wake-up, there had apparently been multiple sightings of an apparent monster roaming the city last night, whatever or whoever it was left multiple dead bodies in the streets, all in extremely violent ways, one especially was a curb covered in chipped and broken teeth, mako shivered at the thought, once he got to the office he saw everyone trying to figure out what in the hell was going on

Mako: Lt. what's going on?

Lt: Chief, I'm sorry but I've got nothing, it's all so mixed up, some of these are pretty tame but then there's the vicious ones

The lieutenant held up a picture of a well dressed man with half his head gone

Mako: spirits, this is disgusting, and no witnesses?

Lt: there is one witness but she seems a little...unstable i think

Mako: unstable? What's that mean?

Lt: shaken up, she won't talk straight

Mako: hmm, where is she?

Lt: In the interrogation room

Mako walked towards the observation room and looked through the one-way glass, a detective talked to a pale woman who's eyes were glazed over, she wasn't even blinking, he decided to drop in and try it himself, walking into the room and nodding his head towards the interrogator, he sat down and looked the woman in the eye

Mako: excuse me? Miss?

She didn't respond

Mako: i heard you witnessed what happened to that man, did you know him at all?

She didn't respond

Mako: ...y'know, there's no reason to be scared, we aren't gonna hurt you, and we'll make sure you're safe, we can have people watch you 24/7, we'll protect you

Lady: ...he was big, massive maybe

Mako leaned back and listened to her

Lady: h-he was talking about amon, a new leader, he was wearing equalist clothes, i think, it's all a blur

Mako: the man he killed, who was he?

Lady: m-my husband...i left him, i left him to die

Mako: don't blame yourself, it wasn't yo-

The lady suddenly stood up and gripped his shirt

Lady: i did though! He gave me the chance to run, a-all because i couldn't bend! I left my husband and he died scared!

Mako let her scream it out before gently holding her shoulders and sitting her back down

Mako: okay, okay, breathe, please calm down

The lady cried into her hands, mako moved the chair and sat closer to her

Mako: you can help us, just tell us everything you saw and we can help make sure that he doesn't die in vain

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