chapter 1 ( introduction)

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Tanjiro kamado
Age -16
Code name - blood wolf
Powers and equipments
Black katana with the power of fire and water ,  Magnum gun , bullets with wisteria powder causes fatal damage to demons , night vision lenses , boots with booster in it helps to jump on high rises, sticky gloves .

Zenitsu agatsuma
Age -16
Code name - golden fox
Power and equipments
Golden katana with thunder power, Magnum gun , night vision lenses , booster boots , sticky gloves ,  costumised super bike with amazing features

Inosuke hashibira
Age -15
Code name - maniac boar
Power and equipments
Double wielded katana , hand carried machine gun with wisteria bullets ,night vision lenses, sticky gloves and boots

Aoi kanzaki
Age -15
Code name - poisonous butterfly 3 ( poisonous butterfly 1, 2 and 4 are kanae , shinobu and kanao)
Work - she works at the headquarters
( Slayers call her the angry lady at head office)

Age -14
Normal middle school girl who doesn't know about her brother's secret job

Giyu tomioka
Age - 21
Code name - lone wolf (popularly known as lonely emo hashira )

the red wolf and the golden fox  (Tanzen au / demon slayer/ tanjiro × zenitsu)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum