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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ethereal landscape of Whispering Vale, Riya found herself wandering through the enchanted forest, her thoughts consumed by the events unfolding in her real-world.

It was getting difficult to digest the fact that her wedding functions are going to start in two days. She will be married to Arjun by this week. Constant nagging fear of losing her safe haven and shifting to an unknown place was disturbing. Riya was afraid of the world knowing about her whispering vale and another secret which even Maya doesn't know about.

Maya, her closest confidante and the only one who understood the depths of her connection to Whispering Vale, awaited for her beneath the ancient willow tree at the heart of the vale, their usual place to meet . With a heavy heart and a sense of longing, Riya approached her friend, her footsteps soft against the moss-covered ground.

"Maya," Riya whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of a hidden stream. "I have something to tell you."

Maya turned towards Riya, her eyes filled with concern and curiosity. "What is it, Riya? You seem troubled."

Taking a deep breath, Riya recounted the events of the past few weeks, her words echoing through the tranquil beauty of Whispering Vale. She spoke of her impending wedding to Arjun, the man chosen for her by their families, and the conflicting emotions that stirred within her heart.

"I don't know what to do, Maya," Riya confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Part of me longs for the magic and freedom of Whispering Vale, while the other is bound by the expectations and responsibilities of the real world."

Maya listened intently, her presence a comforting anchor amidst Riya's swirling emotions. As Riya spoke, the vale seemed to come alive around them, its vibrant colors and otherworldly beauty a reflection of her inner turmoil and longing.

In the distance, a chorus of songbirds filled the air with their melodious tunes, while delicate blooms unfurled their petals in a riot of colors. The trees whispered secrets of ages past, their branches swaying in time with the rhythm of Riya's words.

As Riya finished, Maya reached out and took her hand, offering silent support and understanding. "Riya I don't know about other things but how much I know Arjun bro he is soft hearted and extremely caring. He will never hurt you. I remember how he will carry me in his arms and pamper me. He is a real gem just like you. This wedding is your choice but I can assure that he will always support you. And isn't it good that you will finally get love." taking a deep sigh she continued "how much I want you to step out of the dome of loneliness and silence. You deserve a much better life my Roo."

"But I don't wanna go away from you, from this world. I feel like I will get lost in the world of demons." voiced Riya.

"no , my roo, I know my bro he will never let you get lost. Tell me did he say you or did any of his actions made you feel uncomfortable or doubt your life with him. Am about losing me then i am in your heart you can never lose me"

Riya felt relieved and confident about her decision of accepting this proposal. Together, they stood beneath the canopy of stars, their bond stronger than ever amidst the timeless beauty of Whispering Vale.

And in that moment, surrounded by the magic and wonder of her imaginary world, Riya found solace and clarity. With Maya by her side, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and determination, guided by the whispers of the vale and the strength of their friendship.


Lying under the silent blanket of stars, Arjun felt uneasiness in his heart. Sleep was miles away from his eyes. Serene face of his fiancé was not leaving his mind. Her calm and magical face would flash before his eyes whenever he would close his eyes. There was a whirl of emotions born in his heart. These new found emotions were very new and difficult to name. He stood up from the recliner placed in the balcony and moved toward his room. Subconsciously his feet took him toward Maya.

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