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The night was shrouded in silence as Riya and Arjun lay in the stillness of their shared bed, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains. As sleep began to claim them, Riya's dreams took a dark turn, haunted by shadows from her paracosm, Whispering Vale.

In her sleep, Riya's brow furrowed with distress, her breathing quickening as she became ensnared in the tendrils of a nightmare. Images of darkness and uncertainty flashed before her mind's eye, the echoes of her paracosm's mysteries casting a shadow over her slumber. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows—a sinister presence cloaked in darkness, its eyes gleaming with malice as it advanced towards her. Riya's heart hammered in her chest as she tried to flee, but her feet felt rooted to the ground, her limbs heavy with the weight of her terror.

Arjun stirred beside her, his instincts alert to the subtle shifts in Riya's demeanor. Sensing her distress, he reached out to gently brush the hair away from her forehead, his touch a soothing balm against the turmoil of her dreams.

Suddenly, Riya's body tensed. In that moment of despair, Riya felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her, pulling her close in a comforting embrace. Startled, she looked up to see Arjun standing before her, his eyes filled with concern and compassion.

A soft whimper escaping her lips as she was consumed by the depths of her nightmare. Without hesitation, Arjun drew her close, wrapping her in the warmth of his embrace as he whispered words of comfort and reassurance.

"Shh, Fey, I'm here," Arjun murmured, his voice a gentle murmur in the darkness. "You're safe with me."

she was disoriented, the remnants of her nightmare fading into the recesses of her mind as she focused on the steady rhythm of Arjun's heartbeat.

"Arjun," Riya whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. Arjun held her tighter, his embrace a silent promise of protection and support. "It's okay, fey," he said softly. "You're safe now. I won't let anything harm you."

In the warmth of Arjun's embrace, Riya felt the last vestiges of fear begin to fade away. She nestled closer to him, seeking solace in the comfort of his arms as she surrendered to the embrace of sleep once more.

As dawn broke on the horizon, Riya and Arjun lay entwined in each other's arms, their hearts united in a bond that transcended the shadows of the night. In that moment, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, bound by the unbreakable ties of love and understanding.

The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room as Riya stirred from her slumber. Blinking sleepily, she reached out to her side, expecting to find Arjun's comforting presence beside her. But to her surprise, the bed was empty, the sheets cool to the touch.

Confusion washed over Riya as she sat up, her heart fluttering with worry. Where was Arjun? Had something happened during the night? As she scanned the room for any sign of him, her eyes landed on a piece of paper lying on the bedside table.

With trembling hands, Riya picked up the note, her heart pounding in her chest as she unfolded it to reveal Arjun's familiar handwriting. As she read his words, a wave of warmth washed over her, banishing the chill of fear that had gripped her heart.

"My wife, Fey,

Her name written with a tenderness that brought a small smile to her lips. Though she was confused why he calls her Fey, it sounds comforting and loving.

' I'm sorry to have left your side in the early hours of the morning ,but I am in my personal gym. Please don't worry about me—I'll be back before you know it.

I know we're still getting to know each other, and I understand if you need some space," Arjun had written. "Let's take things slow and be friends first. I'm here for you, Riya, no matter what.

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