Hastur's Cloak

509 35 5

--- (General POV) ---

Two weeks had passed since Niall arrived in Orario and settled inside an abandoned church in the ruined part of the city. Days flew by as he delved deep into the dungeon without pause, only returning home to sleep occasionally.

His growth was visible; he had completed one of the three quests given to him by the God who brought him to this world.

And that quest was eating monster cores.


Suddenly, a green light enveloped Niall's hands, and a book appeared right in front of him, levitating in space.

"Congratulations on completing your first quest, Niall. As part of your requested power, we have decided to give you a bonus reward for your obedience."

The voices spoke from the book, while Niall stared without any emotion on his face. He was currently on the fifteenth floor of the dungeon, surrounded by walls made of bedrock.

"Your evolution also managed to go a bit further than the last time, you should notice drastic changes to your body already," the voices spoke in unison, leaving Niall wondering what kind of drastic changes were about to happen.

Then suddenly, Niall felt a sharp pain in his stomach, a pain like a burning sword piercing right through his gut. He screamed in agony as blood poured from both his eyes and mouth, like a red fountain.

But his red blood quickly started changing color to green, eventually becoming a fully greenish color that resembled dark forest leaves.

"What... what is this?" He could only mutter those words before the process of evolution fully finished and the pain subsided.

"You fully entered the evolution process, which meant that the first experience would be painful since your mortal body experienced a major trauma. After this, you shouldn't experience such pain upon evolving, but that only depends on how fast you will progress."

Niall brushed off the blood from his face before tilting his head up, looking at the book with doubt in his mind.

"Until next time, farewell." The book closed and fell into Niall's hand. He immediately opened it and searched for his status page.

--- --- ---

Name: Niall

Race: Human? (1/100) ???

Level: 1

PWR:  145 I --> 644 C

SRV:   102 I --> 476 E

DUR:   94 I --> 524 D


(Azathoth's Blessing)

● Gives a user a different state of mind, removing emotions and offering protection against charms and any attack on a user's mind.

● Granting the user his own self-efficient Falna connected to the Necronomicon. In exchange for needing an achievement to level up, the user must max out all its stats to 1500 to level up. 

(Chaos Sultan)

Sends a spatial energy wave that nullifies any armor, once the wave hits its opponent, the receiving side will experience fatigue and stamina loss.

(Hastur's Cloak)

It grants the user the ability to summon a golden transparent cloak around their body, completely protecting them from any harm that is level below or above their own.

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