Chapter 06 : Her Decision

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"Chapter 07: Reason to smile" and "Chapter 08: A Day Out" are updated on Scrollstack


"What if you regret our relationship, this chance later on?", Arushi asked and Avyansh's heart skipped a beat at it. He didn't know what to answer against it but all he knew was that, it wasn't even the last thing he would do, regretting about choosing her wasn't even there in his options.

"I'm already regretting", he said and immediately felt her grip loosening on his hand. He was still back facing her when he felt her grip loosening, he turned and held her hand in a firm grip. Arushi didn't say anything neither looked up, just kept sitting there looking down at nothing. He looked at their hold and tightened it even more, "I'm regretting Arushi, I'm regretting about not finding you earlier, I'm regretting about not being able to save you when you were getting beaten up to be married off to me, I'm regretting about not asking you the reason when you were about to fall that day on the restaurant, I'm regretting about naming your fear as introversion, I'm regretting about leaving you alone there today, I can't regret about our relationship or this chance Arushi but I'm regretting about all of those moments when I could've saved you but couldn't" Avyansh completed looking straight into her eyes and Arushi was too numb to respond anything. She too just kept looking at his eyes which held the determination to protect her from the world.

The staring session went on until someone knocked on their door. Avyansh composed himself and got up to open the door, it was their househelp standing with their dinner. They didn't even realise it was past their dinner time. He took the food tray and told her about the glass thing so that could be cleaned before any of them get hurt by it. The househelp nodded and went to bring the necessary things. Avyansh went back and found Arushi still sitting on her place only. "Get freshen up and have your dinner, you need to take medicines", he said placing the tray on the tea table of their room. Arushi nodded slightly and went to get freshen up. Till the time Arushi came out, the glass mess was cleaned and Avyansh was waiting for her for dinner. It was silent affair, they finished their food and he made her have her medicines.

Now it was time for sleep, Avyansh had thought to move to Fahad's room for the night but then stopped thinking what if Arushi needs something or gets any nightmare at night. He thought about keeping Tanya with Arushi but she herself was a bp patient who needs proper sleep otherwise it could take a toll on their health. Already the events of the whole day was enough to take a toll on her so he dropped that idea as well.

Ultimately it was him only but he decided to take the couch and Arushi too didn't stop him even if she wanted to. Finally after a hectic day, they all went to sleep hoping maybe the next day would bring some calm in the chaos. Arushi laid down and tucked herself from head to toe in the comforter and Avyansh too tried to avoid any interaction with her. Eventually they both fell asleep being mentally exhausted.

It was past midnight when Avyansh's sleep broke with some muttering sound. Even though it was really low, being a light sleeper it was enough to wake him up. He checked around in the dimly lit room and found Arushi's blanket covered figure was shivering. He got up with a jolt rushing to check her and as he had thought, it was Arushi who was mumbling and shivering in sleep. He somehow managed to remove the comforter as she was clutching it too tightly as if thinking it as her shield. She was mumbling the same things she was mumbling in the afternoon so it means she was having the same nightmare.

"Please...please don't hit me...please it hurts...please-", she kept repeating the same words also hissing and moaning in pain in between. Her shivers were increasing with her mumbles when finally Avyansh gathered himself to wake her up.

"Arushi...Arushi", he tapped on her cheek, calling for her but it wasn't much helpful. He tried to shake her but that too resulted the some, futile. "It hurts...please don't...aaahh-" Ultimately he gave up listening to her pleas and shook her hard by her shoulders, "ARUSHI!!"

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