Chapter 3

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We went back to Josh's apartment, and he showed me my room. It was kind of small for a living space, but just what I needed to go to college.

"I can move into this room and you can have mine if it's to small for you..."

"No, no this is perfect actually. Thanks Josh!" I say with a cheesy smile.

Josh starts to walk away, getting ready for his gig. I was just about to change when I said

"Oh uh- Josh?"

"Liza? Do you need something?"

"Yeah. Um I came here without a sweater, thinking it would be warmer. Do you think I could, well possibly borrow a sweater?" I stumbled out.

God I probably sounded like an idiot. All I wanted was for this boy to like me, and I, Elizabeth Taylor, was the most awkward 21 year old there was.

"Uh yeah. I'll be back in a second." Josh says, as red as a tomato.

I sit there, smiling like an idiot. I walk over to the mirror, and look at my hair. 'Oh no, my hairs a mess' I think to myself. The rain ruined my perfectly straight hair, and I hardly had any time to get ready for Josh's concert.

"I'm back! I brought my favorite sweater. It might be a little big on you, and I'm so..."

"It's p-perfect. Thank you so much" I say shivering, and walking into the room

"If you want a ride from me you'll have to be ready in 30 minutes. I'll be out the door at 6:45 love." Josh says

Love. Kill me now. One simple word and I go all melty hearted and wobbly in the knees. Joshua Dun is going to be the death of me.

Tear In My Heart//J.D. MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now