Chapter 8

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Me, Jenna (Tyler's wife), Patrick, Pete, Andy, and Joe walk into the crowd, everyone cheering. I heard a bunch of "Pete ZOMG" and "PATRICK MY BABY" but what surprised me the most was one quiet cheer.

"Elizabeth" One girl chanted. Then others began.
"Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth ELIZABETH!"

I almost started crying. This was a show for the boys, and I was getting the cheers. It was no big deal to Fall Out Boy, but me?

Then Tyler and Josh walk on stage, and everyone starts cheering. They have black around their neck and arms, and I'm about to question why when Tyler says something that makes my jaw drop.

"I know you all have been anticipating a new album, and we are stepping up our efforts on this one Skeletons-"


"We will be releasing the new album Blurryface this Friday at 11:11 (A dream come true if you ask me). But since you're all such a lovely crowd I thought we would play a song for you- a song Josh wrote for his amazing wife, Liza. Who is also a wonderful sister to me, the best sister I could ever ask for".

I start crying.
The boys start cheering.
The Skeletons go wild.
Josh starts drumming.
Tyler starts singing.

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know-
That you're alive and have a soul.

But it takes someone to come around to show you how.

She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart, take me higher; than I've ever been."

Oh my god. It's beautiful. I can't believe anyone in the world would write a song for me, let alone Josh Dun.

"ALRIGHT. THANK YOU EVERYBODY!" Josh and Tyler scream at the same time.

The crowd goes absolutely ballistic.

"We would love to bring up two special ladies tonight to sing a song with us" Tyler says. "Jenna Joseph and Elizabeth Dun get your cute little selves up on stage".

What. No. This can't be happening. I can't sing. Or can I? I don't know. While I'm having my panic attack, I hear someone call my name in the crowd. She walks closer.

"Liza! Let's go. It'll be fun." Jenna says, smiling at me.

Of course I knew Jenna, how was I not supposed to? She was my brother-in-law's sister kind of thing. But I wasn't very close to her, so it was cool having her come help me from the crowd.

"We have a song that we would like to sing with you lovely ladies." Josh says.

"It's screen." Tyler said all happy.

Holy hell its my favorite song by them.

"Here we go!" They both scream at the same time.

Tyler and Jenna start.

I do not know why I would go
Behind you and hide my soul
Because you're the only one who knows it
Yeah you're the only one who knows it.

It was amazing. Jenna had a perfect voice. My turn.

And I will hide behind my pride
Don't know why I think I can lie
Cause there's a screen on my chest
Yeah there's a screen on my chest.

I didn't sound horrible, and neither did Josh. I didn't know he could sing?

We all sing together.

I'm standing in front of you
I'm standing in front of you
I'm trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool.

I'm standing in front of you
I'm standing in front of you
I'm trying to be so cool
Everything together trying to be so cool.

This was one of the best experiences I've had in my life, and it is just the beginning.

Tear In My Heart//J.D. MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now