Lin x Kya

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WARNING: smut...

Both of them are major.

Lin was home alone, she was totally stressed. It would be the first time that Kya come over, at least as her girlfriend. They used to do girls night or sleep over with her brother, but they never been together alone as lovers. Toph was away for helping Aang. Of course she asked her mom before if Kya could come over, the answer she got was something like "Do what you want with sugar princess, just clean if you put the house in a mess". The earthbender was very maniac, she cleaned the house twice and cook 2 hours before Kya arrived. She knew her girlfriend would make a mess without wanting it, so she tried to not let fragile object around. Kya always been a clumsy girl around her.


Lin run directly to the door, opening it. "Hi" she looked at her girlfriend, Kya was in her usual dark blue dress. "Hey, how are you ! I got you something" The tall girl said giving a cheesy smile, before Lin could even answer she got dragged to the living room. Kya close the door by kicking it with her feets, she threw her shoes off and lead her girlfriend to the living room, all that in 40 seconds. "Okay hm close your eyes..and don't peek !" Kya said, Lin could hear a bag being pull on the table, then she heard the water bender opening something. "You can looook" When Lin opened her eyes she saw Kya with the biggest smile ever. Her eyes landed on the table, to her surprise there was a bag with her favorite food and drinks "YOU DIDNT ! Kya I cooked already. But you got everything, even dessert ! For yangcheen sake THANK YOU" Lin landed her arms around her favorite girl, she wasn't used to it so she quickly took of her arms, just giving Kya a smile. "Everything for you sweethearts." She put herself around the strong earthbender and leaved kissing all around her body. Lin put the food she cooked in boxes and they put theirselves in the living room. "I miss you all the day" Kya said looking straight at her "Come on, we saw each other yesterday..." Lin rolled her eyes. "So what ? I can't miss you ?" Lin scoffed at her. "Kya hm, I know you already did your coming out...How was it to be with other women ?" The earthbender wanted to know her friends past, she used to be comfortable to talk about their love life. Now was different, they were significant other. She felt the urge to know. "You wanna know about my exs ?" Kya asked fulling her mouth with Bao. "Yes exactly, I want to know everything." Lin copy her movement. "Youreee so weird ! But tell me what you wanna know" She raised her eyebrow and continue to eat. "How many ?" Lin looked so scary when she asked question, but her girlfriend knew it was because she wasn't comfortable. "1 relationship and 5  people I  have frequented" She blushed with embarrassment. "Tell me about them..." Lin looked down "I want to know..". Kya put her hand over her shoulder. "The 5 peoples first...There was two boys when I was freshly a teen, I only kissed them. It with the second one that I realized that i was forcing myself. You know I used to read a lot, and the love they used to describe in book...I was far away from that, I was uncomfortable and even felt disgust when I kiss this second boy. It was my classmate Yu." Kya took a dip breath, Lin answered only with nods and tiny "hm". "Then the 3 others were girl with who I flirted, two were girl from the school but they tried to play with me. One was in vacation camps, I only kiss her. The other one I met her in a bar and that was a one night stand. I understand with her that I love having fun, but sex wasn't my things. And the serious relationship was, my first girlfriend who was Izumi..." Lin watched her as she chocked on her food. "IZUMI". Lin eyes were about to get out of her face "OUR IZUMI !" Kya nodded at her answer "Did you two...had more than kissing ?" Lin said blushing, she didn't know if it was appropriate to ask "We did more than just kissing, Lin I was always at her house." Lin nodded "Obviously".

The questioning session put a cold in the room. The earthbender head was full of questions, she kept them to herself. Maybe because they weren't destined to Kya. She just felt uncomfortable, her girlfriend had a lot of experience with women when the other hand, she had never kissed a girl beside Kya. Not even for games. So they ate in silence for a while.

"It not because I done it with other women that I will judge you. If it not the time, i'll wait. To be honest Lin i've been in love with you for a while now, and I used to crush on you before being with Izumi. I understand that you might stress or feel uncomfortable, but I'm all yours and I wont compare you to them or anything" Kya took their plate and washed them. Lin had follow her; placing herself on the counter. "I just, what if I don't do it well. Even just kissing ?" Kya washed her hand and turned around. "As long as WE enjoy it, we don't really care of it is "good" or not." She placed her hands on Lin tights pushing a gentle kiss on her cheeks. "It not even a big deal...But you have so many people to compare to me...And I only have your brother !" Lin said suddenly "Lin I don't need to know what my brother did on you ! EWWWW !" She answered exaggerating. "Then don't date his ex ?" Both of them laugh.

The tension get down as Kya made silly jokes, they end up in the bedroom. They talked together, Kya had her back on the head of the bed, while Lin was between her legs, head on the girl tummy. She played in Lin dark hair. "Lin ? Are you in love with me ? Like you know that i've been crushing on you for a while...and if I confessed to you it because I fell in love. But I never knew about how you truly felt toward me." Kya asked calmly raising her eyebrow. "I know that I always admire you, maybe I had a crush when I was in primary to middle school. I remember to tell myself it was PURE ADMIRATION. My mom always said otherwise, in primary to convaince me to travel with her, she always said "Kya will be here !". Then I dated your brother. When he leaved me you was the first person that came to me. You understood my pain and I felt so happy, spending time with you made me like you more and more. THAT HOW I FELL FOR YOU" Lin kissed Kya with no hesitation.

Kya put her hand around the girls waist, she pushed her a bit looking at her in the eyes. "I just love you, so much. You are so cute honey." They continue to kiss. Hands traveling on each other body. Kya pushed her girlfriends back on the bed, and put her two hand beside her. "I just love your lips taste" She said, she continue leaving light kiss now everywhere on her skin. Lin enjoyed this more than she expected, more than she would admit. Kya started lifting her dress, leaving herself in bra and panties, a light green one matching with her skin color. "I thought you might enjoy the view." Lin smile and switch their position, she was now on the top of the girl. "I do enjoy when you are dress, but this b is amazing" her hand laid on Kya arms, caressing gently followed by kiss, hot and sloppy kisses everywhere. After a moment she felt Kya legs being wrapped around her pushing her closer "Lin touch me already" her voice was in an high pitched.

Lin take off her shirt and pants. "Lin your body is devines." The earthbender felt her cheeks burning. She pushed herself close to Kya ears "Guide me, what do I do now." she whispered. "Get down and use your mouth on me, i'll guide you. But do whatever you want !" With that, Lin slide the girl panties, slowly taking it off her legs. She leaved kissing getting closer to her core. She could hear her girlfriend moans echoing in the room. Hands on the side, head between, she started to get closer. Her hands were tightly wrapped on Kya legs, she put her mouth on the girl vagina, licking it slowly. "Oh fuck, Lin continue that way, don't stop" So she did, she lick even more slowly, everywhere she could. When she found the girl clits, she wrapped her lips around it and sucked it slowly. "Lin, yes" She sucker harder, then used her wet tongue, she moved her head rapidly. "Yes, use your hand too..." Kya was going crazy, this felt devine for a first time. Lin execute herself, she pushed two finger in the girl wet core, she felt how dilated her girlfriend was and she enjoyed it. "Push it more" Lin moved her fingers as forward as she could. She moved with the same speed as her tongue. Kya moaned harder. After something like 40minuted, as Lin tried many fingering position on her, she finally felt like she was getting close. Her moans grew, she was barely yelling her girlfriend name. "Kya stop moaning that loudly, keep it for me" the water bender tried to crontrol her moans. She suddenly pushed Lin who was by now naked. She sat on the girl core, supporting herself on the bed, one of Lin legs over her. She moved herself on Lin core, both of them were wet, moaning like a mess. "Oh Kya faster." They moved together and couldn't stop theirselves. They moaned more and more filling their orgasms growing. "I'm..." Lin couldn't even finish her sentence, she just moaned, her body shaking with pleasure, so did Kya "Fuck...this is amazing". They both fell beside each other, as they still felt the pleasure throught their body.

"I just, i'm surprised" Kya laugh a bit, she took her girl between her arms. They lay here naked, their sweating body close to one another. "Didn't tell me you had that much talent Beifong..." Kya kissed her "Gotta keep some surprise" She smiled.

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