Asami x reader

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Asami Sato was one of the most beautiful girl Y/n ever saw. They met year ago, Y/n came with Korra when she leaves the water tribe to train with Tenzin. The girl was 1 year older than Korra, also a water bender and the most important she was the avatar cousin. When Asami show up to the Airtemple Y/n literally fell for her. She never talked about it, first because Asami was with Mako and then because she was a coward.

Yeah after when Korra leaved because her accident, Y/n stayed to help republic city. Then she engage herself with Asami, giving an hand for the all industrie. They were a great duo. They never leaved each other side as the entreprise was taking all their time. Y/n feeling grew with time, but just like before she kept them to herself.

As usually Y/n stayed late in the industry working on some new Sato mobil model, she was all alone in that big room drawing the new design and system. She heard step behind her but ignored it thinking it was some cleaner. "Y/n what are you still doing here ?" an angelic voice showed up behind her, she turned around. "Working" she smiled as she saw who talked to her. "I can see, but it late." Sato voice was concerned. "I know, but if I stop myself right now tomorrow my idea will probably not be the same. What if I forget my idea, or I change my mind or If someone burn my work. It already happened in my last job, someone come and destroyed my draw !" Y/n didnt stop before Asami cut her "Or you will find another idea. You can't keep working so late because of "What if". You look so tired" Asami came closer, her hand on Y/n chin rubbing it gently. "Now stop this and let me drive you home" A precious smiled grew on the fire nation girl. "I'm sorry, I can't stop right now. It nice tho" out of nowhere Asami grabbed her friend arms and dragged her outside. Y/n tried to push her off but Asami was very strong. "Asami stop, I need to work" y/n sigh "No, Im your boss so get in that car" the water bender girl look at her "You are my boss ?" her eyebrow raised "Heck yes Iam, don't make me force you to enter in that car !" Asami voice raised a bit, but not enough to scare the girl. Both enter in the girl car.

First they were both in a deadly silence. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to work on this for real" Y/n kept her head down "I know but you have to take break. What an awful boss I would be to make you work 24 hours." Asami put her hand in the other girl tight for calming her. "I'm so glad you are here, to be honest Asami you always been the only one to stop me from overworking. Even if it annoying i'm kinda happy you do it." Y/n smiled. "Are you telling me you like when I'm taking control ?" The fire nation girl had a serious tone. "Maybe" They watched each other eyes when they suddenly laugh.

Asami dropped the girl to her house. "Do you want to come inside ? It late and you live awfully far" Y/' asked as she got out of the car. Her friends took time to think and finally accept. They went in the house and put theirselves comfortably. Asami had barrow Y/n clothes for the night. Both of them were now on the couch eating food and talking together. "That how you cousin stole me Mako." Y/n laugh at the all story. "You deserve better, he clearly don't know what he wants !" she puts her hand on her friends shoulder to comfort her. "Maybe but what about you" the other girl raised an eyebrow "what about your love life" Y/n sigh "I've been liking a girl but I never dare to tell her anything" Asami eye grew "Tell her, you are beautiful and amazing. You are a genuis Y/n and have amazinnng taste. You do multiple activities and have charms. Give it a try, you'll never know" Asami pushed the girl gently. "Hm...It late now let just get to bed" With that they both slept in the same bed, Y/n didn't dare to confess and just accepted the situation.

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