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"So this is like a temporary home?"

Cole asked curiosity beeming in his voice. He was looking around and touching stuff while his friends looked at him annoyedly.

"Yeah, but we plan on moving soon, it's not safe to stay in one spot for a long time"

Jenny said as she uploaded her backpack on a old wooden table.
Food and hygiene products now scattered around the table the big group surrounded around it.

"Supplies are getting shorter..we need to go further into the city."

Electra said taking a seat on a chair that had seen better days.
Kay was seated on the couch looking trough a map.
As the words of Electra echoed trough her brain she looked up to Ana with a concerned look.
They all came from the depths of the big city, they had scrambled to survive.
Almost loosing one.
Going back would put them at huge risk.

"We can't, you all know what happened in the city going back is just having a death wish!"

Kay said as she threw her map down and left the room. The guys looked confused and turned to the remaining three girls.
Ana sighed and sat down next to Electra.
She positioned for everyone else to sit so they could eat.
Jenny got her sketch book with her and made her seat next to Cole.
Cole looked over her shoulder his curiosity rising.

"Jenny likes to draw the soulless, write down what we know about them, like a journal of sorts"

Said Electra and opened a can of pickled pineapple.
They all had been trough alot and it was hard to keep sane in this new chaos of a world. Each of the girls dealt with it in their own ways. Jennys was drawings and writing. It kept her calm and it collected her thoughts.

"Maybe a rather strange ice breaker but what happened in the big city?"

Dante asked taking after Coles curiosity.
Electra bit on her lip not wanting to hear about one of the worst day of their lives over and over again. She was the one that almost died that day. She knew that the other girls blamed themselves for it but they all couldn't turn back time and she was still there so it was more of a bittersweet situation.

"Day of the outbreak, that so said perfect day.. we where in school. People had water balloons and threw them around. Others had gotten ice cream and some where skipping class.
We where skipping class, it was to warm to listen to the first world War."

Jenny took a long pause, it wasn't easy to tell. They all lost alot of important people that day. Classmates they didn't even know they cared about.
Kay listened from behind the door. She had lost someone very dear that day too.
Someone that used to be a father figure to her.

"The first screams came from the nurses office. Someone in our school was affected and she didn't know. She came to school and had a normal day till she got sick. Severely sick. So she went to the nurses office. There she transformed. Vanessa started attacking the nurse and it just spread from there"

Now Jennys voice was shaky. The guys understood that the rest of the story was for another day.
It went back to silence in the room till kay stepped back inside. She was putting on a brave face but she asweel was shaken up by the refreshment of that day.

She picked her map back up and slammed it on the table pointing to one specific spot.

"The biggest mall in America. We will definitely find Supplies there. But the only way inside is through the city. Are you guys sure we are up for this"

Everyone's looked a little concerned but what other options did they have? They had to get food and supplies one way or another, and staying here for longer then this would alert those forsaken traffickers.
They heard and saw them a few times now and they where for sure on their radar by now giving them another reason to dissappear.

"I can't imagine what went on that day, but you guys aren't alone anymore. We are 8 meaning we are stronger. I think we could make this"

The others seemed to cheer at Dantes words, mostly Ana.
Jenny had noticed that Ana's eyes where on the blonde guy and she was happy that her friend something good in this chaos, even though she didn't think that Dante was good enough for her.

"So we all agree? Tomorrow before sunrise we will make our way into the city."

The group nodded and Electra started making a list of things of things to pack with Jenny while Ana started to chat with Dante. Dylan decided to join the girls and help with the list as they went trough the house to check trough their Supplies. Except the situation they where in the day was actually quite pleasant for the group.

Kay went up to the attic of the house and trough a window from there she went onto the roof.
Atlas was following her.
As he also climbed on the roof he sat down next to her.

"So all of u are annoyingly curios not just that tall idiot?"

Atlas laughed slightly at that, though he was still nervous from the hight. For a man his size he was very much scared of  heights.

"I wanted to check up on you"

He said as he looked up at the dimming sky. She scoffed and looked into a diffrent direction.

"Do you really believe you are up for what's going to come tomorrow? Like actually?"

Atlas though for a moment, he shook his head to a no. Kay rolled her eyes, of course he didn't how could anyone belive that they would survive this craziness.

"But of course no one from that group believes we will. They just have hope. I know we just met each other and you dont trust us but belive me when i say we are just trying to survive too. And no I really don't think we will make it but I'd rather try then sit here cowardly like you."

With that he went back into the attic and away from her.

Why do they all already trust each other so much?

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