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They looked at each other and back to the bushes.

"Are they..back"

Atlas asked, he knew she had no way of knowing but he had to ask, he had to let it off of his chest.
Kay got up and motioned him to get up aswell.
They cought the attention of rest of the group, they could see something was off just not see what was off. Kay pointed to the bushes slightly and whispered,


The group tensed up and they all looked towards the bushes across from them.
They knew someone had to check it out as they couldn't sleep Here if there where any dangers.

Cole volunteered to go but the group quickly shut that down. They didn't want to hurt his feelings so they said that he had to help jenny as she was still hurt.
Ana and Dante ended up volunteering in the end.

"Maybe we shouldn't have volunteered"

Dante said nervously as they walked off from the group to cross the river from a little further away.
Whatever it was they had to suprise it, it couldn't see that they where closing in.
Ana looked up at Dante as she crossed the river, she was nervous aswell but his presence calmed her.

"We will be fine, it's probably nothing"

Ana held out a hand for Dante wich he took and pulled himself to the other side of the river.

They closed in on where Kay and Atlas heard the sound. As they held their Weapons tight ready to attack a small head popped up from the Bush.
A puppy, small little puppy that looked malnourished and hungry. The smell of their food probably luring him in their direction.

They bouth hide their Weapons back into their safety and looked down at the puppy.
They bouth looked at each other and with no more words needed to be said Ana came closer to the puppy and let him smell her hand so he could get used to her scent. His small frail tail started wagging and he let himself he picked up by the blonde girl.
They walked back with delight and a small warmth in their hearts.

The group looked towards the sound of steps not knowing what to expect.
As Dante and Ana approached with a small dog in their arms they sighed in relief and awe.

"It's just a small hungry puppy..we're going to take him with us right guys..? We can't leave this baby here"

Ana said looking down with a warm smile, one she didn't have for a long while.
One no one had ever sience that day..

The group looked around each other but it was obvious they weren't going to leave the dog here to starve.

Electra got up and opened a can of food for it. Ana let the dog go and the dog ran towards the food, he devoured every piece making everyone notice how much he actually had been starving.

"If he's going to come with us what will his name be?"

Jenny asked as she watched the frail dog eat the meal faster then anything she had seen.


Ana said happily, the girls nodded knowingly. Bucky was Ana's previous dog that died due to old age. She had been devastated, this was a way to reconnect to her lovely old Bucky.

Ana Bend down and petter Bucky while he ate.

"You like that name buddy? Bucky."

She smiled to herself and kept petting the dog.

After a while most of the group was more then tired so they split groups to who would be keeping watch when.

They decided that Ana and Dante would keep watch first, Electra and Dylan second, Jenny and Cole third and Atlas and kay last. Bucky would be keeping watch whenever he wished.

"Bucky can probably protect us more then Cole can"

Dylan said as he got comfortable on the ground and layed his head down, his comment getting a annoyed huff from Cole.

"I'm glad we found him"

Dante said and looked towards Bucky who was placed comfortably on Coles head and chest.
Ana nodded smiling towards the dog.

"I'm glad we all found each other"

Ana said and looked down at the ground.
Ever sience the group arrived their life's turned alot easier, though Cole seemed to be getting then in danger whenever he could.
They could finnaly relax and smile again.
It had been a long time sience the group got to actually lay down and sleep whitout worries like the rest where doing right now.
Well less worries then before..

Kay closed her eyes and thought about their words. It really had been a blessing ever sience they arrived. They had been keeping each other alive but they where only four girls, they had their limits too.
Like on that day, at the start.. as they list each other and the dread of not seeing another day, not seeing each other clouded their minds, their senses.
They only had each other, and whitout the other they where lost, almost dead.
The images always taunting then, how jenny stumbled around blood gushing from the wound on her hip. Every sound scaring her and every with every move she was getting weaker.
Electra how she got lost in the rumble and almost burned, the gory Scar following up her arm around her shoulder..
Ana how she got cornered and almost bitten by someone she dearly loved, someone she couldn't kill.
The only she ever loved and forgave over and over again.
The guy she almost lost her life too.
Kay how she found her little brother dying on the floor who she sat down next to ready to die with him.

They all saved each other found each other and with pieces of the hope of a future they once had they broke trough the rumble and escaped.

They survived thogether

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