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The cold wind hit around it with all might.
While Electra and Dylan where still searching the others stayed captive in their little hideouts.
Dante and Ana seemed tense, both of them stayed quite. While Dante was looking for words to say Ana was looking out for Soulless. They had spotted a few before but as steps seemed to be getting closer the amount of steps seemed to be rising aswell.

Jenny and Cole sat on the cold floor of the janitors closet. It was akward for both, now that Jenny had seemed to calm down she did slightly regret her words. Deep down she knew it wasn't his fault that they are in this situation, it could've happened to anyone. Cole was just more stupid and relaxed then the others so it happened to him the most.
Deep down she knew she shouldn't blame him but she also couldn't forgive him if any of her friends got hurt.
Both of jumped at the sudden noise of knocks on the door.
Did they all escape?
Cole jumped up first and Jenny slowly rose up.
Cole stood before her determined not to make any mistakes.
He was going to protect her now. Not be stupid, for now at least.
They carefully opened the door Weapons ready to attack whatever was standing behind that door. Whatever would stop them from seeing another day.

"Dont attack were not infected"

A girl said with a cheesy smile. Next to her was a taller guy. They both looked messy but unharmed.
Jenny kept her weapon up while Cole shrugged and put his knife back in its safety, it really didn't last long before he did something stupid again.

"Cole u can't trust people just because they aren't infected!"

She whispered behind him, frustrated by this big brainless idiot. If the soulless where anything like the zombies they used to watch in movies Cole wouldn't have any problems.

The two strangers infront of them watched their Weapons clearly.
Jenny didn't like them, they seemed off. Really off.

How did they get here whitout getting attacked by the crowds of soulless outside?
Why didn't they seem to have Weapons around them, and why where they watching their's so closely.

Electra grabbed two guns and opened a small window to check the soulless count.
Their where a few more then she hoped, a few dozen more.
She bit her lip in distress hoping her friends would be fine.
They only been separated like this once before and she did not want to relive that day again. Though this day seemed very familiar to it.
She kept looking out the window, she knew slightly the position of everyone and tried to calculate how to get to them whiteout stirring the whole crowd. She suddenly felt a touch on her shoulder though making her jolt out of her thoughts.
Dylan tapped her shoulder to calm her with a reassuring smile.

"Are you ready to get them out?"

She wanted to nod, she wanted to say yes but the girl that usually didn't worry becouse she had everything planned out was panicking right now. She didn't know if they could make it. Their paths weren't clear. Their best chance was to make the others hear them fight and them joining.

"Hey uhm..about what I said yesterday-"

Atlas started but Kays glare just shut him straight up. Her head was full enough she didn't have the time to think about smaller matters. She kept recounting the soulless hoping they would suddenly just get less and less. They didn't though and they wouldn't not till they actually attacked. Kay squirmed around. She tried to look further from the window. Her hand was slightly ontop of Atlases tight wich seemingly embarrassed him. He was getting beat red and kay was getting really annoyed.

Electra stepped out with a radio blaring music from it.
The soulless fixated on her. Their speed increasing with their hubger as they tried to run forward and at her.
Dylan climbed ontop of the caravan. A gun steady in his hand and bullets placed next to him to never run short.
As each Soulless got closer he shot them.
This catched the others attention and as the soulless started to move away from them they appeared out of the shadows too.
Dante jumped out first his machete in hand, he held out a hand for Ana to take.
She grabbed his hand and swung out the vehicle to much pumped up with adrenaline to be embarrassed.
They both made their way closer to the soulless their heavy boots also catching the attention of some soulless.

Kays eyes widened as her wish seemingly has been heard and the soulless one by one got less. She also watched Ana run with Dante giving her the sign to join.
She opened the door her and Atlas falling forward in the process.
She hurriedly got up leaving Atlas blindsided.

Jenny heard the music and Cole saw them run. They both instinctively looked at each other and before the two strangers infront of them could stop them Jenny grabbed Cole and they ran out the building.

The group seemed to be almost united now, only problem was killing the soulless. Easier said then done.
While Electra and Dylan shot a few already, Cole made the way for them beheading every single one that came to close to Jenny, she shot the ones that came to close to him in the process.
He tried his best but whitout her he'd be soulless food.

Kay moved in their direction from a diffeent direction Atlas following her.
He had his quite gun and a butchers knife on him but they seemed to be sneaky enough so he kept it hidden.
She jumped on a car and from there she hit trough the crowd. Atlas watched in horror understanding that he had to join her or the group would do the things he does to the soulless to him.

One by one the soulless slumped down.
While Jenny was protecting Cole from turning into a snack she got scratched by the one she tried save Cole from.
She let out a yelp and held her arm. The 3 long wounds starting to pour blood. Her gun fell and Cole turned around. With horror in his eyes he looked at her wound. He didn't wait. He couldn't, he grabbed her picking her up and running trough the crowd of soulless. His arms where protecting her from scratched and grabs while he ran trough them. They did grab and scratch but it all just blended into the background for him. He ran towards the caravan while the only thing he saw was her wound. The pain in her eyes and how much of a bad job he did while protecting her.
He walked walked inside and put her down on the small table. They didn't have a huge supply of medicine and bandages but for her he wouldn't mind using it all.

The Soulless fell one by one till the last one was on the ground. It was quite now. No screeching.

Finnaly no screeching.

Now they where all free, the cloudy fuzzy feeling gone.
They could think, breathe and see again.
The screeching had stopped clouding their senses.
As the realisation hit them all they all ran towards the caravan to check up on jenny.
She seemed fine, laughing and talking with Cole who looked beat red in the face.
He seemed so sorry and embarrassed about what happened.

They all start talking at the same time about being glad that she's okay, asking what happened and all kinds of questions.

Jenny and Cole stay quite, their minds filled with something else.

"You guys have something to tell don't you?"

Dylan asks more observant then people would believe.
The group went quite and looked at the two waiting for them to speak.

"We aren't alone"

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