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The tension in the caravan was rising as they got closer to the city and saw more of the civilisation that once was there.

Dante sat down next to Ana and looked at her. She was staring straight forward but her jaw was tense. Like everyone else she was nervous.

"That's as far as we can get with the caravan. The rest is by foot."

Kay said as she stopped the car. She tool the keys and put it in her pocket.
One by one they stepped out onto the asphalt.
They all stood next to each other. At the Start was Atlas then came Dante, next to him stood Ana and next to Ana stood Jenny. Jenny stood next to Cole, and he stood next to Dylan who stood next to Electra and finnaly Kay stood next to her.
They all had their Weapons already in hand each clenching it making their knuckles turn white.

Ana wanted to say something but her throat was horse and she wouldn't know what to say anyway.
For a few minutes they all stood there silently.


Kay asked Electra, the ears and eyes of the group.
Electra shook her head signaling the group that the way was clear for now.
The group decided to move forward and wich each step their tension seemed to dissolve.

"Lookout for grocery stores, we need as much supplies as we can get"

Ana said with a still slightly tensed voice. She was walking behind Dante using the tall blonde as protection whitout him noticing. His presence calmed her alot.
He turned his head and looked at her. Ss their eyes met he smiled a little at her making her stomach turn in a pleasant way. She smiled back and looked away.
Ana looked around for one of her friends and spotted Jenny chatting away with Cole about her drawing and the soulless but as Cole was about to say something he tripped over a soulless that was almost dead.
The soulless let out a loud screech.

"He's informing nearby soulless of our presence"

The group halted and Ana bumped into Dantes back. She looked surprised but the realisation of the situation dawned to her before she could be embarrassed.

"How many?"

Dylan asked nervously. The sweat drops starting to form on his forehead.
Everyone looked around for any signs of soulless. The screeching wouldn't stop, filling their ears, their souls.

Cole seems to have done it now, as from seemingly nowhere more and more soulless start screeching loudly.
More and more steps echo trough the ruins of what once was.

Their ears hurt, the screeching scratching deep in their brains. Unclawing memories so far hidden almost as if it hadn't happened.
Their ears hurt but their feet hurt more, from running.
Running to find safety.
Running to hide and shelter.
Running to survive.

They all scatter, separating in the process.
Dante grabs Ana and swings himself in a abandoned truck with her joining ontop of him. He closes the door and they duck below, hopefully unseen from the hideous creatures around them.
While the screeching Continues, their presence being the only thing keeping each other sane.

Electra and Dylan run back to the caravan to get more weapons and come back when everything clears.
They jump inside hoping none of the soulless has seen them.
While Dylan looks around for weapons Electra takes Jennys Soulless diary looking trough each page for something useful. While looking around she spots a new page dedicated to someone named C.
She flips it away in her distress still keeping it in the back of her mind though.

Jenny grabs Cole off of the soulless and they bouth run into a smaller store. Cole has to be ahead one on their way inside but other then that they have little to no Complications. They bouth hide in a smaller room, most definitely a janitors closet. They close and lock the door from inside leaving the room in utter darkness. Cole seems to be freaking out more then Jenny wich slightly annoys her. She grabs him by the collar and looks at his face or what she believes is his face, directly.

"If there is one single scratch on one of my friends just becouse you are to stupid to survive I will make sure to throw u in a pit of soulless, do you hear me? Now man up and shut the fuck up"

The room falls silent as Cole seems to stop breathing completely out of fear.
The usually kind girl he met a few days ago seems to be completely gone.
He doesn't blame her though, he knows he totally fucked up this time and if someone dies or gets hurt it's completely his fault.

Atlas grabbed his knife and as the first ones to run he also hid in a vehicle, a smaller one definitely. A black jeeep that has seen better days. He ducked down but kept his head up just slightly enough to watch where they stood once before.
There was Kay who looked down on the soulless and panicked. Her usually more brave face faltered as she looked around to see she was completely alone.
Atlas gripped his weapon tight. His consciousness wouldn't let him leave her just like that. He opened the door and grabbed her in a swift motion as they bouth ran back to his hiding stop.
They cramped inside and ducked down.

Dante and Ana

Dylan and Electra

Cole and Jenny

Atlas and Kay


They where only separated like this before once.

On the outbreak day

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