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"Are you sure they where here?"

Electra asked skeptical that anyone ever was here.
Maybe they imagined it I mean with how little brain is in Coles head it wouldn't be hard to believe.

There was no one around, not in here not in the janitors closet or anywhere near them. They checked, more then once.
The group went back to the street where they fought. There in the middle of all the dead body's stood the girl and the guy again.

"Told you I didn't imagine it!"

Hannah said as she held her wound with her hand.
She still looked suspiciously at them, realising now they where holding there weapons.
As Jenny realised it the rest of the group realised it too.
Everyone got tense staring at the two with their Weapons.
The two seemed so calm and relaxed about the situation.
The girl giggled.

"Oh em gee! Calm down we just saw them and decided to pick them up!"

How did they go unntouched again. While they where fighting how did they manage to survive the soulless.
Electra looked over to her friends, trying to understand what they where thinking next. What where they supposed to do now.

Kay and Ana stepped forward and looked at the strangers infront of them. They looked serious, more then usually.

They had made it this far.
Survived each day by scratch.
Fighting for their life's.

They wouldn't die by two strange kids taunting them.

"Hand over our weopens right now"

They said almost at the same time.

With a loud noise the weapons flew to the ground, and the girl sighed loudly.

"You guys are so tense!"

She exclaimed loudly, annoyed by the new group infront of her. She grabbed the arm of the guy, having to tug at him while he had a staring contest with kay.
She was challenging him, and his power.
He was aggravated but looked over to his little friend and she motioned him to move.
They where finnaly leaving and the group was relaxing.

"I have the feeling that that's not the last we are gonna see of them"

Electra said she had already turned her back to the two and started waking away.
Kay and Ana looked each other with concern, they had the same feeling but they also started to worry as it got dark.

"We have to set up camp, it's getting dark and I can smell rain"

The group nodded, some went over to the caravan and took the last of their things out including the camp gear. Fortunately they knew this area and it had something like a small forest near the location they where at right now.
They made their way down to the forest closing in on the dense trees.
If it was back then they would've hated this idea.
Going into the forest at night had always given them the creeps.
Now it was calming for the girls. Whenever they had encountered a forest they where glad, almost.. happy.

The forest had something calming, it wasn't as rough and chaos as the cities.
It felt like the world never went down in shambles.

They found a spot that was close to a river. They moved the stones around and created a spot for their tents.
A count of 8 people and 4 tents.

The logical thing would've been to slip the girls into 2 groups and the guys into 2 groups. Wich they didn't do.
Instead they paired up begouse it would be smarter to put a guy and a girl in a tent. They can protect each other better, and they all knew Cole needed the protection.

So they split up, Jenny was with Cole, Dante with Ana, Electra was with Dylan and of course Kay and Atlas at last.
Everyone seemed to be fine with the groups except Kay and Atlas.
Kay looked horrified while Atlas didn't show any emotion. He silently started building their tent with the guys joined in on later.

Jenny and Ana started on firewood and Electra made something to eat.
During this Kay looked out at the sea, there wasn't much for her to do except keep watch.

She felt watched though and she wasn't alone with that feeling, the whole group had a string feeling of being watched.

As it got darker they all sat down next to the fire, they sat in a circle next to their tent mate.

They seemed to be less stressed theb usual. Cole was cracking joked with during one he had burned himself and made the whole group burst into a laughter.

It had been a while sience the girls had laughed like that, sience they could let go their worries and just enjoy of what's left of their life's.

It had been a while sience they felt alive.

As the night continued Kay kept looking back. She was sure she was seeing something across the river. It made her uneasy.
She had a tight grip on her weapon wich Atlas noticed. He put a hand on her hand.
He wanted to calm her nerves but he only startled her making her jump slightly at the touch. She withdrew her hand from his touch and looked at him in disgust.
He looked surprised and tried to say something but as he opener his mouth they bouth heard noises from the bushes behind them.

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