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Naruto was ready to go and out the door by four. His nerves were drumming against his sternum, his body lit with something that felt like excitement and terror rolled together. What if Sasuke was mad at Naruto? What would happen then? And who was that guy that Sasuke was with? Not that it mattered, but Naruto was curious.

Okay, maybe he was a little more than curious. The idea of Sasuke hanging around some random man, sounding so happy and care-free, set his nerve on edge. A small ball of hurt formed along his heart. He rolled it around, thinking of Sasuke and this other man, confused. What could cause such a feeling?

It didn't matter, Naruto told himself. None of it mattered. He would get to see Sasuke later today and that's what was important.

The walk to Sasuke's house wasn't too long, but it was rather boring. He missed the company of the other, hoping to arrive sooner so he wouldn't have to wait long.

Once he did arrive, he knocked on Sasuke's door and paused.

A few moments went by before Naruto could hear shuffling from inside. Then the door opened. Sasuke looked at Naruto, smiling slightly.

"Hey," Sasuke greeted him, nodding and opening the door wider.

Finally, as Naruto stepping into Sasuke's home, he felt at ease, a weight dropping off his shoulders. At Sasuke's, he felt as if his worries were left at the door for the time being. Or perhaps it was simple Sasuke that did that, making him feel better automatically by just being near.


The evening had been spent relaxing on the couch, watching movies. Now, night had settled in and the two were clearly getting tired; every time Naruto would yawn, Sasuke would yawn. When they did this, Sasuke would always complain and shift further down om the couch. Now, the top of Sasuke's head was lined up with the tip of Naruto's shoulder. The two were sitting rather close, which Naruto didn't mind, but their proximity made Naruto's skin prickly slightly.

As the movie began to roll into credits, Naruto felt a gentle weight pressed against his shoulder. When he looked down, he saw Sasuke had fallen asleep, his lips parted and breathing even.

He looked pretty, in Naruto's opinion, with his messy hair and long lashes. There was an almost beautiful air about the man that Naruto couldn't unsee. Not that he had ever tried to. The blond had always thought Sasuke was beautiful, not because he was attracted to him, but because it was a fact.

A fact that Naruto was having a hard time getting out of his mind. It was always like this, though, whenever Naruto was around attractive people. Except for when he was with Sakura. Then, he only had eyes for her. Now, though, that they were over, it meant his eyes wandered slightly from her to the next person. But the way he was looking at Sasuke now wasn't romantic in the least. Or, at least, he assumed it wasn't. He'd never had romantic feelings for him before and he didn't think he'd have them now, all of a sudden. Just because he broke up with his girlfriend doesn't mean he could or would be suddenly attracted to other people, want other people, or fall for other people. Maybe one day, but not today.

And especially not Sasuke.

Naruto dismissed his thoughts, pushing everything aside as he looked for the blanket him and Sasuke had tossed off the couch earlier. It sat on the hair next to Naruto, just almost out of his reach. Naruto shifted slightly in an attempt to grab it. Just as his fingertips caught it, Sasuke's head moved.

Naruto froze. Sasuke murmured something, sounding still asleep, and leaned his head against Naruto's chest, falling forwards slightly.

For a moment, Naruto waited, holding his breath, for the moment his friend would wake up and see their awkward position. But he didn't wake up.

So, Naruto grabbed the blanket quickly and tucked his legs underneath Sasuke's outstretched ones. Then he tossed the blanket over the two and wrapped his arm around Sasuke, feeling content as he scrolled through more movies to watch.


Sasuke awoke to the slight rise and fall of Naruto's chest, the blond's breath falling across the too of his head.

A warmth spread through Sasuke as he looked down. They had somehow shifted in the night and ended up sideways, Sasuke lying on top of Naruto.

Not that Sasuke was complaining. He enjoyed their position. He enjoyed being wrapped up in Naruto's arms, held so securely and warmly against the other man's chest. It was nice to wake up to this, much more pleasant than waking up on his own.

He just hoped this wonderful feeling would last.

And he hoped Naruto would open up about what happened.

The night before, Sasuke had attempted to get something out of Naruto, but Naruto wouldn't talk about it, which Sasuke respected and stepped back from the matter, but not he was worried.

What had happened?

And why did Naruto decide to cuddle Sasuke last night?

Hello, again, sorry for the short chapters and bad grammar. I haven't had time to edit these or lengthen them. I've been busy preparing for testing and finals and may have a job interview coming up soon! So I will have even less time to work on this. Again, sorry for the trouble. I hope you're enjoying this so far, though!

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