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Grief came in waves, with highs and lows. Sometimes we sunk beneath and sometimes we could stand atop them, smiling as the sun touched out face for the first time in a while.

Today was not one of those days.

Hinata felt as if her world was closing around her, the need for comfort suffocating, and yet she craved space from everyone and everything. She was shaking, sobbing, wails tearing their way from her throat.

An ache beneath her temples began as she curled into herself on top of her sheets. She clutched her photo of Neji to her chest. After everything that had happened between her and the ones around her, she felt so isolated, so empty, yet so full of a deep, cold sea, as if those waves were filling her body and beginning to spill from her soul.

A knock on her door startled her. Shakily and slowly, she unfurled herself and stood. She set down the picture and wiped her tears.

When she opened the door, Hinata was surprised to find Sakura there.

"Hey, your parents called. They said you had practically locked yourself in your room all day and hadn't come out or talked to them.... Can I come in?"

Hinata nodded, unable to speak. She held the door open for Sakura. The latter came in, sitting down on her bed as Hinata shut her door.

Sakura looked around. "It's odd to think I was just here last night. It feels like a lifetime ago."

Again, Hinata nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence.

Sighing, Sakura held out her arms. "Come here."

At this, Hinata walked over and threw herself onto Sakura, her arms around the other's shoulders and legs straddling Sakura's. Sakura wrapped her arms around Hinata's waist, pulling her close as Hinata sunk into her warmth, head nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

"Thank you...."

"Of course. Anything for you..."

A pause, then Hinata looked up at Sakura, her eyes brimming with tears. "You mean it?"

Sakura looked down at her, a small, gentle smile on her face. "Yes. I do."

Impulsively, Hinata reached up and cupped the side of Sakura's face, pulling it closer to her own. Once they were inches apart, Hinata realized what she was doing, and chose instead to press their foreheads together. They breathed in sync.

"Hinata..." Sakura murmured, tightening her hold on Hinata's waist, her hands locked together behind the other's back. "Off-topic, you smell really nice."

Hinata pulled away, laughing. "What?" She peaked up at Sakura, who was grinning.

"You heard me. You smell nice Hina. You smell like lavender."

"I do? It's probably the washing liquids I used."

"Mmm," Sakura hummed, pulling Hinata back against her neck. "Good to know. I'll have to steal them sometime. Or, perhaps I'll just steal some of your clothes."

The idea of Sakura in Hinata's clothing made the butterflies along Hinata's stomach flutter.

"Alright. You can take as many as you want."


Naruto was no longer working weekends. Thankfully. But whenever he woke up still curled against Sasuke's side Sunday morning, he wished he had an excuse to leave before the other awoke.

Something about being so close to Sasuke made Naruto feel guilty, as if he were cheating on Sakura, which didn't make sense; he was single, for one, and for two, there was nothing romantic about his and Sasuke's relationship. Right? Naruto had no romantic intentions whenever he would lean against Sasuke, nor did he feel as if butterflies where filling his body, as he had with Sakura. But wasn't it true that love was different for everyone? Could he like Sasuke? He's known the man the same length of time as he knew Sakura. Not that that would matter much. But still, Naruto didn't understand what was happening. It hadn't been too long since he and Sakura had broken up. Plus, he didn't know if he liked men or not!

It was as if Naruto didn't want to move, ever, he wished to stay pressed into Sasuke's side forever, warm and content, watching Sasuke's peaceful face while he slept.

Sasuke's eyelashes were long and caught the sunlight so elegantly, his face relaxed and beautiful. His hair was messy and his skin was flushed slightly with sleep. He looked pretty, for lack of a better word, and Naruto found himself getting lost just looking at the man. He was drawn to him in the beat and worst ways possible, much more drawn to Sasuke than he had been that waiter, who he had also found attractive.

Maybe he did like men. Or maybe he just liked tall men.

Did he have a type? Sakura was taller than him, Sasuke is taller than him—thought not by much—and the waiter had been much, much taller than him.

But that implied he liked the other two. No, he was simply attracted to them. Who could blame him? Sasuke was a work of art, in Naruto's eyes, and the waiter had been pretty as well.

Oh, lord, he didn't know what to think of this.

He would have to talk to Hinata.

I'm writing cute things to cheer myself up. I've got a funeral to go to later today, unfortunately. So the next few chapters may not be as wholesome. Apologies. I hope you enjoy, though!

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