Chapter 36 - Plans of Murder

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Unknown POV

She was so comfortable today at breakfast. So happy, and carefree with her words. She laughed, and barely paid any mind to who all was in the room.

It was disgusting.

It's like she's forgotten everything I've taught her.

She used to be the model child. Small, soft spoken, obedient. She never used to raise a fuss, and now look at her. It's like they've ruined everything good about her.

She used to sell so well but nobody is going to even touch her with all those injuries. Not to mention the gastric tube.

Such a turn off.

He knew better. I warned him that he shouldn't have gone so hard on her, everything is going to be ruined all because of him.

Now I'm leading the twins Juliana and Jamie back to their rooms. Watching silently when Gino picks up Julie as it comes time for the stairs. She doesn't protest, taking the help gratefully.

I almost can't help the sneer that tries to make its way across my lips. Spoiled brat.

Don't worry Julie. Soon enough, you'll be back where you belong.

Grandpa's POV

I've seen a lot of things in my lifetime. A lot of death, a lot of injuries. I know how abuse can be. I grew up in a different time. Laws were a bit different back then. Nobody really cared if you laid a hand on your child.

It wasn't their problem after all.

But to hear of the horrors that happened to my grand-daughter, I can't help but think about how we didn't notice.

Because it was our problem. She needed someone to keep her safe. They all did. And instead of simply taking them with us, we left them to monsters. We should have seen it. The isolation, the sudden cut in contact.

There were signs. As much as I would like to believe there wasn't, that simply isn't true. There were signs that we all refused to recognise.

When we got the call that Juliana was hurt, my first thought was of all the things I wanted to do to that bastard. When we got the call that her likelihood of making it through the night was close to nothing, and to come say goodbye, my heart all but stopped.

Seeing your grandchild laying there, completely battered and unresponsive, is not something I wanted in my lifetime. I knew that with our profession, it was a possibility. However, to know that it happened at the hands of someone we should have been able to trust was absolutely heartbreaking.

That night, as terrifying as it was, was a bit of an eye opener to me. I'm not going to be around forever. I'm getting older, and I don't want my grandchildren to think of me as a stranger.

Over the short course of their stay, I've gotten to know John-Carlo's kids a little bit better. Jameson is still as shy as ever. The kidnapping might have amplified that, however.

Jensen, as much as he tries to act civil, seems as though he could care less about most things. Gino, well that boy definitely has a lot to unpack. And Jamie... She's a rambunctious child, to say the least.

But with Juliana it's different. I got an entire month to learn about her and you know what I have? Absolutely nothing. That child is about as closed off as she is resilient.

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