"The Roof Top"

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The ladies stepped out of the truck and the into the "Frette"! The girls gasped!

Fatima, Lori, & Angela: OMG THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!

Fatima, Lori, & Angela: OMG THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!

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The Entryway!

The Entryway!

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The Table!

Lori: Y'all applying that PRESSURE!

Angela: HARD!!


The guys laugh!

Jake: We know how special y'all are!

Tony: Y'all know how special y'all are!

Zac: And we want to show the world how special y'all are!

The ladies were definitely intrigued! They had never experienced anything like this and it was a definitely a memorable moment! They had their Several take pictures of them as a group and pictures of the couples separately on Fatima's phone and she sent them out to everyone!

Fatima: I see y'all but now let's tap into the intellectual part of this date!

Lori and Angela laughed because they knew exactly what Fatima was doing! She was vetting the guys! They already knew everything they needed to know about them or else they wouldn't have agreed to the date!

Jake and Tony looked a little Terrified but Zac didn't cause he knew exactly what she was doing!

Zac: Ask away love?

Fatima: What attracts each one of you to us?

Zac: Well Fatima Chyane Wilson, I love the way you're hood yet professional at the same time! I love the way you mixed your oils and body spray to make your own scent that one else has ever had before! I love the way you speak your mind because you're courageous! I love how when you're upset you drop your head to avoid eye contact. I love the way I can see the pain in your eyes but you try to mask it by being hard!

Fatima is in tears because those are things no one has ever said or even noticed! Zac wiped her cheek!

Zac: It's okay to be vulnerable at times Mami, I'll try to protect you from everything if you'll let me!

Jake: Angela Janel Hoffman, I love the way your eyes smile and brighten up a room! I love the way you bite the side of your lip when you're anxious! I love how you can be so uncomfortable in a position but you'll never let anyone see you sweat! I love how I can feel some of the things you've experienced just by caressing your body! I'll protect every piece of you from your head to your heart to your feet!

Tony: Lori Ana Myers, I love the way you are protective over the things and people you love! I love how you can check someone without even hurting their feelings. I love how when you're anxious your leg shakes! I love your open minded and honesty! I love how you hug me and hold on like you don't want to let go! That tells me someone abandoned you and that's something I never want you to experience with me!

Zac, Jake, and Tony: We love how when y'all step! Y'all step accordingly !

Fatima had no more questions and the women were in awe! They ate their food and finished talking! The guys asked the girls would they like to go to "Club Rain" they agreed and they paid and left!


The guys dapped the bouncer up and entered taking the girls to the VIP section!

The guys took the ladies to the dance floor and they were grinding on their men when they noticed three women side eyeing them! They stop and looked at each other! The men noticed the change in the atmosphere and stopped! Looking at their women they knew something was about to pop off they tried to move them but they refused so they stepped back!

Karen walked up to Zac, Pam walked up to Jake, and Belinda walked up to Tony! The girls stood still and watched!

Karen, Pam, and Belinda: Y'all didn't see us over there!

Zac, Jake: and Tony: Hell no! We were dancing with our women!

They step forward and the men held their arms out!

Zac, Jake, and Tony: Hell No we have restraining orders back the fuck up and get away from us NOW!

The Guard comes over!

The Guard: Mr. Taylor, Do we have an issue?

Zac: Actually we do! Can you please make sure they stay on the other side of the club!

Karen: Zac who tf are you to tell this man what to do ?

The Guard: Mr. Taylor is the owner!

Karen is putting two and two together because Rain has been open for 2 years! Zac had money all along he just didn't trust her enough to let her know and now she really wants to talk to him but the Guards moved them back!

The guys were so focused on removing their exes they didn't notice that the girls were gone!

Zack, Tony, and Jake: *looking around* FUCKKK!!

In the Bathroom

Fatima: I was this 🤌🏾 close to snatching the crooked wig off that Hoes head!

Angela : And that skinny bug eyed bitch eyeing my man!

Lori: That lil midget walking up on my man! Then they got the nerve to say you didn't see me! Nah bitches they were distracted!

Fatima: Y'all we need to calm down cause you know they think we're gone!

Fatima's Phone: INCOMING CALL FROM PA 🤤💛



The girls walk out of the bathroom and they locked eyes with their men! They were so relieved, they hugged them and Kissed them passionately!

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