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A New Opportunity

Long ago, when the world was thrown into chaos, a new beast emerged from the fire. This beast wreaked destruction wherever it laid its eyes and to control the strength of the beast, a curse was placed. The beast was locked away from the world and the only way it could return was through the bond created with a host. For many, they thought the beast would be locked away forever so that their children's grandchildren would never have to face the wrath of the beast, but for the few, they knew that a wild beast could never be tamed forever.


It was a late afternoon when they finally succumbed to their illness. There was a nasty plague spreading around the rural village. This plague had claimed the lives of most of the poor villagers. The only people that were left were either holding onto the last bit of life they had or were slowly weakening.

A young girl of nothing but seven years old sat in front of her parent's dull corpses. Her puffy (e/c) eyes didn't dare look away. Her lips quiver at the sight of her parents. She had also fallen ill, however, she had been recovering, unlike her family and the rest of the village.

Their last words to her were that God had given her another chance at life and to not throw it away in his name. She had laughed inwardly, never really believing in things like God and religion. Salty tears flow down her (s/t) cheeks, missing the warmth of her mother's hugs.

Soon night falls upon the eerie shack. The only thing she could hear was the crickets outside. She closes her eyes, letting her face sink into her knees when something wraps around her leg, slithering upwards. She glances down at the vibrant blue snake that had its crimson eyes glued onto her. She softly smiles as she pets the snake.

"At least I still have you, Aoi" she mumbles, and the snake slithers up her arm to wrap its body around her neck. He places his head down to rest on her shoulder, closing his eyes. She sadly sighs and closes her eyes once more, letting sleep overtake her body.

The burning sun was the only thing I could feel on my skin. It was another boring, summer day that was filled with chores. Sweat slides down my face, dripping onto the dirt as I sweep the leaves. Aoi stayed wrapped around my neck.

Mother had said that they had found him wrapped around me when I was a baby. She had told me how when Father tried to pull him away from my body, Aoi had hissed and tried to bite him. At first, she was scared for my life, but she then understood that Aoi was just trying to protect me.

Since then Aoi has been with me through everything. Always wrapped around my neck making sure I didn't stray far away from my home. Making sure that I didn't get myself lost or in trouble. He was always looking out for me.


He couldn't handle the stench of death as he walked into the broken shack. He brings his left palm to cover his nose, hoping it would somehow block out the smell of the rotting corpses. He cautiously walks into a mouldy living room where two corpses lay beside each other. Insects covered every inch of their skeletal faces and he knew that if he were to remove the blankets covering the bottom half of the bodies, then he would see insects crawl all over.

He scans the room with his black eyes until he spots a small, frail body. The child had tangled, oily (h/c) hair and a baggy, grey kimono shirt with matching pants full of holes. He notices the way the child's thin frame made their bones protrude in a sickly manner. He slowly steps forward, trying not to frighten the child.

He stops when the child looks up at him with sunken eyes and lips bent downwards. Their (e/c) eyes, devoid of any emotions. He notices a blue snake around their neck, staring at him warily. He crouches down to be at eye level with the child, "My name is Jiraiya, what's yours?"

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