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Team 7

Years of tranquillity made those ignorant of the power of the beast. The stories of the once fearsome beast have become nothing but forgotten folklore. However, this silence has become a blessing to the beast for no one seems to know its dark conspiracy until they fall victim to it.


(Y/n) had tried her best to talk to her teammates, but they seemed to be occupied. She tried to talk to Naruto, but he had run into the bathroom. She tried to talk to Sakura, but she was talking to Sasuke. And she tried to talk to Sasuke, but he seemed to be in a foul mood.

She sat gloomily in her seat waiting for her team leader to come. Everyone else had left so it was only Team 7 that was left in the room. Naruto kept looking around impatiently hoping their leader would come soon. However, something else caught his eye.

In an instant, he was crouched in front of (Y/n) with a pout, "Hey! I've never seen you before..."

(Y/n) awkwardly blushes at the closeness and Aoi pops out of her hoodie to look at Naruto. He shouts out in surprise, "You have a blue snake?!"

"Yes," she smiles at him and unravels Aoi around her neck to show him. Any sign of shyness disappeared as excitement for her companion replaced it, "His name is Aoi."

"That's so cool!" Naruto smiles brightly, "Hey, hey, what's your name? My name's Naruto."

"I'm (Y/n)," she smiles at him.

"(Y/n), I want to have a cool pet like that too. Where did you get him?" Naruto asks and he moves his head to examine every detail on the blue snake's scales.

"Actually, my parents said they found me in a box with him wrapped around me," she explains, "They said whoever had left me had also left this snake in the box with me to protect me."

"Oh!" Naruto exclaims in awe.

"Naruto! Stop shouting," Sakura scolds him and she lets out a disgusted squeal when her green eyes see the blue snake, "Why do you have a snake?!"

"Look at who's screaming now," Naruto pouts.

(Y/n) giggles, "This is Aoi, he's my best friend."

"Why is he blue?" the pinkette questions and narrows her eyes down to look at the snake. She quickly backs away in fear when Aoi turns his head to look at her.

"I don't know," (Y/n) replies and looks at the snake, "Why are you blue?"

Aoi flicks his tongue, "He says that he was just born like that."

"You can talk to him?!" Naruto shouts out in complete astonishment.

"Yes, we've been friends for a long time, so we know how to communicate," she explains. She looks over Naruto's shoulder to look over at Sasuke. His onyx eyes were on her, staring at her, and he diverts them when they make eye contact.

Soon Naruto runs up to the door with a chalkboard eraser in his hand. He grabs onto a chair and pulls it next to the door. He hops on and places the eraser between the door and door frame, so it falls on the person who opens it.

"Naruto! What are you doing?" Sakura asks ready to scold him.

"I'm pulling a little prank to teach our sensei not to be late" Naruto grins wickedly.

"He's a jonin, he won't fall for it," Sasuke coldly states.

Sakura nods her head, "Yeah!"

Naruto looks over at (Y/n) to see what she would say, "Well...I guess you never know?"

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