Old man Pt. 1

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Hellooo, just wanted to make something clear. The katana that y/n uses us like Mitsuri Kanroji's, so like a whip. Picture up above.

New Mission

After years of being dormant, the beast began to awaken. Its red eyes slowly opening, its fiery wings shaking, and its marvelous tail twitching. Soon the time will come for the host to awaken the beast's power and when that happens, the beast won't hold back from acting out its revenge.


Darkness consumed her. Fear paralyzed her. Where was she? What is that place? Why did it scare her? How will she get out of there? How did she get there in the first place? So many questions with no answers. All she could do was stand waiting for the void to cease.

"(Y/n)!" a voice calls out to her.

Her shoulder shakes without her moving it. The void collapses on her and she's suddenly standing in the Hokage's office. (Y/n) looks to her right where Sakura had grabbed onto her shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" her soft voice asks.

"Yeah...um...I just spaced out..." (Y/n) mumbles not sure of what happened. Ever since they had passed their survival test, she had been getting visions of that darkness along with nightmares.

The Third Hokage furrows his eyebrows at her perplexed expression. Ever since the girl had joined the Academy, he had received monthly reports of her scores. They were all low to the point he had to ask Iruka himself to tutor her. The reason for those poor scores was because the girl never seemed to be able to channel chakra.

However, he had watched her train by herself. He had seen her taijutsu skills and they were something to be feared for a girl her age. When Kakashi had reported on (Y/n)'s skills, he had to tell the silver-haired man to be careful because she was light on her feet and silent.

The (h/c) haired girl reminded him of a young girl he used to know. She was much like (Y/n), silent, easily overlooked, but that didn't stop the girl from becoming one of the strongest shinobi of her time. Sadly, he couldn't remember the last time he had spoken with that young girl. She had fled the village as a rogue shinobi, never to be seen again.

"Well, now that you are all paying attention let me give you guys a new mission. Let's see, we have babysitting, another lost cat," he speaks up while flipping the pages of the mission book.

"Those are so boring! Give us a real mission. One that is exciting and cool," Naruto shouts loudly.

(Y/n) covers her ears from his shouting, why does he have to be so damn loud?

He's not wrong, Sasuke thinks.

He's such a pain, Sakura crosses her arms over her chest.

I saw this coming, Kakashi sighs. He still didn't know how he got stuck with the weirdest, most polar opposite team. Sasuke was always in a foul mood, Sakura always blushing around Sasuke, Naruto always shouting, and (Y/n) being silent.

"Naruto! You are a new genin with no experience. You have to first develop your skills before going on any high-ranked mission!" Iruka stands up from his chair and slams his hands on the table causing (Y/n) to take a step back.

"Are you serious? Babysitting is not a mission! It's all just stupid crap-" Naruto argues back loudly, but Kakashi slams his fist on his head cutting off his comment.

"Give it a rest already," Kakashi mumbles.

"You seem to not understand the purpose of our missions," the Hokage inhales the smoke of his smoking pipe and exhales, "Requests are sent from all over and they can range from babysitting to assassinations. We carefully review them and rank them according to their intensity level."

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