Monsieur Cow

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The Assassin

Death was all the beast needed to spread its wings. Death was all it needed to shake the chains holding it down. It could sense it, it could taste it, it could feel it in its grasp. It couldn't wait, for death was close and its host was oblivious.


Fog blinded her vision. It was hard to see what was right in front of her. All she could hear was the ripple of water and the sound of the paddle splashing the water. Everyone sat in the boat silently as it made its way into the Land of the Waves. Aoi sat wrapped around her throat, communicating everything he could sense.

He warned her of an upcoming infrastructure. The boat comes closer as the fog slowly clears and her vision is met by an unfinished bridge. Naruto's loud voice fills the emptiness but it's met with a harsh hush from Kaji, the boat owner.

"Are you crazy?" he whispers shout at the blonde, "Keep it quiet! If they catch us, then we'll be in big trouble."

(Y/n) turns back to look at Tazuna before looking at Kakashi. Although it was hard to see, she could sense their uncertainty, especially her sensei's. She knew that their mission could get more dangerous as they continue on. She felt sick to her stomach.

Both her ninjutsu and genjutsu were lacking, she barely had any chakra. All she had were her taijutsu skills, but those weren't a match for higher-level shinobi or better yet, for higher-level shinobi that were out for blood.

Yes, she had gotten lucky with Kakashi that day of the survival exercise, but only thanks to Aoi. Plus, she had gotten hurt in the process. The wound had finally healed, but it had left a rather nasty scar on her left forearm.

What if a more powerful shinobi sent by Gato were to show up once they made it to the land? She would be screwed. She shakes her head and slaps her cheeks, No! Focus! You're on a real mission with really evil people as your enemy, you got this!

The boat soon docks and they dismount onto the platform. Naruto took the lead of the group while Tazuna and (Y/n) walked right behind everyone. Her stomach twists as Aoi's body tightens around her throat. He was warning her of nearby danger. He had sensed someone.

Her hand wraps around the hilt of her katana as her ears tune out the sounds of her teammates. Training with Aoi had its special perks. She had learned how to become spatially aware by opening her range of hearing. It's how she was able to detect Kakashi's clone in the survival test. However...

Naruto's sudden shout rings in her ears causing her to cover them. Her ears became a lot more sensitive to loud sounds that are near to her. It was a weakness the ability had.

"Naruto!" she scolds him. She glares over at Naruto who was awkwardly scratching his cheek. He had thrown a shuriken at a bush thinking there was a person hiding behind it. She rolls her eyes at him, maybe using her spatial awareness wasn't the best idea being so close to Naruto.

"Hey! Midget!" Tazuna screams at Naruto, "Stop scaring us!"

Naruto didn't seem to care because a rustle in the bush to his left catches his attention. In a quick motion, the blonde, blindly, threw a shuriken at the bush. (Y/n) was about to scold the blonde again when Aoi tightens around her throat again, but this time with a little more force.

Someone was deadly close to them. She slowly makes her way to stand by Tazuna while Sakura hits Naruto upside the head and Kakashi checks what was in the bush. The fog seemed to become heavier as sweat forms on her brow.

Aoi's hiss fills her ears and in a sudden motion, she pushes Tazuna to the ground. She ducks right as a large blade sweeps above her head. Her (e/c) eyes rapidly look over her teammates to see if everyone was alright. Sakura had thrown herself over Naruto to cover him while Kakashi and Sasuke had ducked.

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