Bell Test

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Anger. That's all the beast felt. It had not only been forced into chains, but it had been forced to depend on a host. Without the bond of a human, the beast could not use its immense power, but what was worse than the bond was the ignorance of the host. That ignorance needed to be gone and the beast would wait until a spark ignites the truth.


Morning had come earlier than she wanted. (Y/n) had ended up running home in tears and ate whatever was leftover from the previous night. She was a strong girl, she was used to the insult, but she was embarrassed. Aoi nudges his head against her cheek to make her get ready.

She sighs deeply before rolling out of bed. A long yawn escapes her lips as she stretches her limbs. She groggily walks up to her wardrobe and puts on the outfit that consisted of the black tank top and shorts along with her (f/c) cropped hoodie. She adjusts the belt around her waist and places her whip into its handle along with the two pouches.

She picks up Aoi and he wraps around her neck. She looks over at her kitchen and then at her clock and then back to her kitchen. She ponders, "He said not to eat breakfast...but he seems to have a habit of being tardy. What do you think?"

Aoi flicks his tongue and she nods, "I agree!"


Naruto and Sakura sat on the ground, their stomach grumbling loudly while Sasuke stood to the side. Three hours had passed since they had arrived and there was no sign of Kakashi or (Y/n).

The blonde boy pouts while cupping his cheeks, "Do you guys think (Y/n) got too scared and decided not to come?"

"Maybe" Sakura mumbles, but her ears perk up when the sound of footsteps becomes louder.

All three of them look at the entrance of the training grounds. (Y/n) walks in with her bag hanging on her shoulder and her headband reflecting the sun rays. She waves at them, "What's up?"

"Don't 'what's up' us! Where were you?!" Naruto jumps up from his spot, "We've been waiting for hours."

"Well, I thought that his tardiness yesterday might mean he would be late today, and I took the chance," she smiles kindly at him, "Sorry for being late."

Naruto pouts at her, but his attention is drawn to someone behind her. Kakashi strolls up to them calmly, "Hello."

"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shout at the same time. Their fingers pointing at him accusingly. Sasuke turns his head to glare at Kakashi while (Y/n) gives him a small smile.

Kakashi nervously chuckles, "A black cat crossed my path and I got distracted by the path of life."

"Bullshit," Naruto and Sakura both curse, and Kakashi nervously chuckles again.

He opens his bag and places a clock onto the wooden pole. He sets the timer for two hours before facing them. His hand reaches down into his pocket and he takes out two bells for them to see.

"I will explain the rules of the survival test once so pay attention," he states sternly causing all four of them to focus on him, "You must grab one of these bells before the timer goes off. The person who can't grab a bell will be tied up to a post and watch the others eat."

'That's why he told us not to eat breakfast', Sakura thinks feeling the rumble of her stomach.

'Thanks to my instincts I got to eat breakfast', (Y/n) hums in her head happy that she decided not to be on time.

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