i hate trees...

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Darkness surrounded me, but this time it was different. I was standing in the middle of a forest with tall pine trees. The smell of the cool pines reaches my nostrils and I take a deep breath in. I needed to stay calm. These nightmares become worse as I panic.

I turn my head to each side. I wonder if there was anything that could pull me out of this dream. I would do anything to be yanked out of these dreams. A sudden explosion rumbles through the ground. I look back in surprise towards the top of the mountain.

Black smoke rises up to the sky, covering the vibrant stars. What the hell is that? Before I could overthink it, my feet move, making me run up the mountain and through the dirt paths.

I see figures tumble down the mountain, shadows flashing by at the corner of my eyes. My heart beats in my throat as I break through the line of trees. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

A shrine had burst into flames. My heart pounds faster. What was going on? I try to take a step forward, but my feet are stuck to the ground. I struggle to move, but I couldn't. I was paralyzed.

Fear runs through my blood as I stare at the large yellow and red flames. My heart pounds louder in my ears. Then something moved in the fire.

Firey, narrow eyes glare at me. They were full of hatred, greed, and bitterness as if I was their greatest enemy. A shrill voice speaks up in the flames, causing a shiver to run down my spine despite the intense heat I felt from the flames.

You have finally seen me, the voice echoes in my head, I have longed for your acknowledgment, child.

Who are you? I thought, but it seemed the creature could hear my thoughts.

I am nothing because of you, the voice speaks, its words laced with venom, but no more will I be bound by these chains and memories. I will destroy these chains first, then I will destroy you, then the world.

A loud screech comes from the flames as another explosion destroys the base of the shrine. My body is thrown back, hitting a large tree trunk. My vision darkens as I watch the flames devour the sky. The last remaining thing I saw was the face of a sullen woman.


An owl's soft hoot pulls her back from the memories of that dream. She had so many questions. Who was that creature? What did the creature mean about the chains and memories? Why did the creature hold so much hatred? Who was that woman?

So many questions raced through her head. She couldn't sleep, she just couldn't. A frustrated sigh makes her stand from her futon. Her futon was positioned at the end of the row. Naruto slept next to her, Sakura slept in the middle, and Sasuke slept on the other end.

She lightly smiles at them. Naruto was snoring loudly and his blankets were all over the place and so was Sasuke. On the contrary, Sakura was peacefully sleeping.

(Y/n) stretches her neck as she walks towards the double doors that lead to the back platform of the house. She decided to leave Aoi curled up underneath her warm blankets. She slowly slides one door open so as to not wake her team. She sneaks out, the moon illuminating her figure.

She needed to go out on a walk even if it was the middle of the night. She needed to clear her mind. Her feet touch the grass. She enjoyed walking on grass barefoot. It made her feel more grounded. She takes a few steps forward before a voice speaks up behind her.

"It's dangerous to go out at night," the man's voice says. A grunt follows as he sits down on the edge of the platform, the sound of crutches cluttering the ground.

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