Friends? SIKE

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The Academy

A wild beast could never be tamed even if it stops resisting against the chains. It will find a way to continue its ambitions and will deceive those who are weak. It will stop at nothing until it can carry out its revenge on the humans who locked it away. One day, the chains will break, and the cage will be opened and, on that day, the world will feel its wrath.


Five lonely years had passed since she showed up in Konoha. Jiraiya never came back, instead, he sent her gifts and letters every month. Among those gifts were frog plushies that she kept on her bed. She had joined the Academy out of respect for Sarutobi's generosity to let her live in the village.

When she had joined, she had tried making friends with the people in her class, but they grew scared of her when news of her village became widespread. The children had grown scared of catching the plague and a nasty rumor was created.

They said that she had the 'Death Touch' meaning that whoever got close to her would surely catch the plague and die. Since she was a new girl in an unknown village, she had decided to stay away from everyone. The only people she conversed with were the old lady next door and Sarutobi when he came to give her money or Jiraiya's gifts.

Even at the Academy, she stayed away from everyone to the point she blended in with the shadows. She never volunteered or participated in any of the activities. Her classmates would get together or go to the park and she would simply watch wishing she could join them.

Becoming a shadow made everyone overlook her, except for two people. One was her sensei, Iruka. He had his brown hair tied back and had a horizontal scar on the bridge of his nose. He was always looking out for her since she would always fall behind in her classes. She couldn't pay attention or understand the concept quickly like her classmates, so he always held her back to tutor her.

The other person was surprised. He was the head of the Nara clan, Shikaku Nara. A man with black hair tied up into a spiky ponytail and two scars on the right side of his face. The way they had met was in the middle of a busy path.

She was trying to buy apples from one of the local street benders, but he had mistaken her for a thief and whacked her in the face with a broomstick. Shikaku was walking by when he saw what the vendor had done.

He walked up to them and reprimanded the vendor for acting in such a way towards an innocent child. He had then bought her the apples and walked her home. Since then he would check up on her occasionally. He would even invite her over to eat with his family or to meet his son, but she would always decline the offer feeling undeserving of the kindness.

A scaly tail slaps her forehead and she lets out a groan. Aoi was telling her to get up. For some reason, he always woke her up by hitting her with his tail. Although they couldn't speak to each other, they could still understand each other's thoughts.

Her (e/c) eyes look over to his red eyes and he narrows down his eyes. She rolls her eyes at him and sits up. The apartment she lived in was bare. There was no decoration, no painted walls, no nothing. Her living room had an old couch with a coffee table in front of it and a carpet underneath. She had no dining table, instead, she just used the coffee table and would sit on the ground.

Her kitchen had old wood cabinets that were chipped. She had no stove because it cost too much so she used an electric cooktop and she had a small fridge. A huge bowl was placed on one of the countertops that had various arrangements of her favourite fruits.

Her bedroom was slightly different than her home. Her bed was large so it could fit all her stuffed plushies and was placed pushed against the far wall that had a large window overlooking the forest area. A wooden desk was to the left of the bed and a tall, wide bookcase stood to the right of the doorway.

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